parshas Terumah

After the completion of the Tabernacle in the desert, God tells Moshe “V’shochanti b’sochom” – I will dwell among you, the Jewish people. In other words, God’s presence will be felt.

Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk in Tiferes Shlomo comments on these words, “God is saying: I will rest in the hearts of those who donate for the Tabernacle with a full heart.” Giving with a full heart means receiving blessing from above. What does it mean to give with a full heart?

Over the last few months I have been working hard to raise the funds to make the festival a reality again. Each year we approach many many funders in order to support this project. And every year, I wonder whose heart will be open to what we are doing this year? Who will want to partner with us to build Jewish unity and community?

Giving with an open heart means without cynicism or regret, with love, and with faith.

I want to just take a moment, as Shabbos here in California is starting, to start thanking the amazing patrons that are making this year’s festival a reality. Deanna and Allen Alevy, Barbara and Ray Alpert, Liz and Jim Breslauer, and The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation. As we are 500 hours away from Jewlicious Festival 4.0 Long Beach/LA you will be hearing a lot more about these amazing people.

Thank you for your open hearts.

See you at Jewlicious!

About the author

Rabbi Yonah