Control. We think we want it. We think we have it. Do you think you are in control? Do you try to gain control? I know I do not have control over anything, other than my own character (ask a Rabbi for more on this fascinating topic)….and I am (mostly) perfectly happy with that.

Happiness. What makes you happy?

Choices. We think we want them. We think we have them. Do you think you like choices? Too many choices leave me empty handed, overwhelmed, exhausted. Choice Overload!

There are moments, though, in which I want to have control over the uncontrollable: to give my sister more confidence, to make my brother more sensitive, to make my mother kinder and warmer, to show my father his incredible and endless potential, to change the media’s disgusting anti-Israel biases, to scream at friends GET OVER IT & JUST MOVE ON ALREADY, to convince the client that my ideas are better than his, to introduce the term “constructive criticism” to most workplaces, to make women a less jealous creature, to give men a clue about what women really want, and to rid people of their foolish insecurities.

We all have those moments, do we not? I believe it is important to live life not focusing on what we have no control over, but on what we can control, including the way we treat ourselves, our loved ones, our neighborhoods, societies, animals, and environment. Nationwide, people seem nicer and happier around the holiday season. There is something lovely and refreshing about it…but as soon as January 2nd comes around, we turn into our hurried, insensitive, careless selves all over again.

It’s nice to be important, but it’s important to be nice.

Ten days ago, my last living grandparent passed away. This is something I had completely no control over. It’s a lonely, sad, scary feeling. Life is short. What do we have control over, then? I propose: Do what you love, and don’t waste time worrying what other people think. Find your meaning and fulfillment, be good to yourselves, be good to each other.

As a recently hired copywriter, I leave you with this short, yet moving, film.


About the author

Dr. Mishmish

MBA, MA. Have more fun. Worry less. Laugh more. Be good to yourselves & others. Grow, learn, and develop.

The greatest risk in life is not taking one.


  • Hi Esther, I’ve only just read this post, so my apologies for the late comment. Please accept my condolences. A loved one’s passing is never easy, and there are steps of grieving ahead of you which you’ll have to take to get to the happy memories. I wish you strength and patience.

    Sending you lots of love