Four months ago, the Conservative Movement’s Committee of Jewish Laws and Standards (CLJS) decided that their adherents may eat kitniyot (corn, peas, legumes, rice, soy, beans, string beans, sesame, buckwheat, mustard) on Passover, even if one is of Ashkenazi heritage.

The Rabbinal Assembly’s Teshuva appears HERE. It answers the question: “Since it is recognized that Sephardim permit the eating of kitniyot (legumes, rice and corn) on Pesah,
although Ashkenazim traditionally do not do so, might kitniyot be permitted to Ashkenazim?” The votes was 19 to 1, with 2 abstaining (from the vote, not from the foods). Voting for were Rabbis Kass Abelson, Aaron Alexander, Pamela Barmash, David Booth, Elliot Dorff, Baruch Frydman-Kohl, Susan Grossman, Reuven Hammer, Joshua Heller, Jeremy Kalmanofsky, Adam Kligfeld, Gail Labovitz, Amy Levin, Jonathan Lubliner, Daniel Nevins, Paul Plotkin, Avram Reisner, Elie Spitz, and Jay Stein. Voting against was Rabbi Micah Peltz. Abstaining were Rabbis Miriam Berkowitz and Noah Bickart. Rabbi Peltz grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota… the home of General Mills… just sayin’

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