Muffti still thinks that a murderous traitor is worse than a terrorist. But that’s just his opinion. Israel has been letting a lot of bad people out of prison. But Muffti doesn’t think the release-a-thon is going to extend to Yigal. Look at the article numbers at the bottom: 46% don’t think he is guilty of murder? Wtf?

From Jpost:

As the 12th anniversary of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination approaches, right-wing activists are planning a campaign to release his killer, Yigal Amir, Army Radio reported on Thursday.

The campaign, which will begin in two weeks, will involve the distribution of pamphlets in the Gush Dan region, which the right-wing activists consider a leftist stronghold.

Under the banner “A Time for Peace, a Time for Appeasement – the Time has Come to Free Yigal Amir,” the activists will present the left-wing with the reasons to release Amir from prison.

Right-wingers have compared Amir’s release to the release of Palestinian security prisoners, as well as the shortened sentences of the five Arab Israelis who murdered teenager Danny Katz in 1983.

According to the report, the activists will also recruit public figures to endorse the campaign and will release a film.

Amir’s wife, Larissa Trimbobler, is due to have their first child close to the anniversary of Rabin’s death, in about two weeks’ time.

On Monday, a survey in Ma’ariv showed that 26 percent of the Israeli public believes that Amir should be released by 2015, and that nearly half of the religious community (46%) believes Amir is not guilty of Rabin’s murder.

In addition, over a third of those surveyed (32%) believe Amir should be allowed out to attend the brit mila (circumcision) of his son, who is expected to be born in about another two weeks. Over half the religious community (57%) shared this opinion.

Amir is currently serving a life sentence for murder, as well as 14 years for conspiracy to murder and for wounding a security guard. Life sentences are often commuted to a shorter term, but his has not been.

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  • Amir was linked to the clutch of agents provacateurs whose existence was confirmed by the government panel that investigated the murder.

    This group – with the Rabin government’s approval – set out to create the false impression of a Right-wing underground. Largely to distract Israelis from their growing disatisfaction with the Piece/Peace process.

    Amir was perceived by many as a dupe/fall guy – and the inconsistencies in the official version of the assassination have never been resolved.

    The most glaring of which – the fact that Rabin was videotaped walking to his car after Amir supposedly shattered his spine with a point-blank gunshot – seems to exonerate Amir.

    The continued attempts to monsterize Amir fits in with what we already know about the Israeli Left’s campaign to demonize entire sectors of Israel’s population that oppose them.

  • I know barry chamish tried to prove amir is innocent.
    he also wrote “who framed Baruch Goldstein” And claims Peres is a serial killer who had Ofra haza injected with aids. he also claims the Mossad killed all the kennedys, and the gaza pullout was a sabbatean plot to destroy isarel.

  • People like Barry Chamish always congregate around stories like this.

    But the Mossad’s use of agents provacateurs to discredit opposition political movements was discovered and documented by the government committe that investigated the shooting and the events leading up to it.

    And the incredible video clip of Yitzhak Rabin ambling along the sidewalk after supposedly being shot in the spine was replayed over and over on (inter)national TV.

  • Funny thing about mentioning Baruch Goldstein. When talking about bad apples or something (I can’t exactly remember what it was) with the Chabad House director at Pitt, he said something along the lines of how Baruch Goldstein was trying to warn the IDF of an attack that would make the 1929 Hebron massacre look like small fries, and that the IDF said that they knew, but weren’t going to do anything about it. Then after the attack, the IDF did find the automatic rifles under the prayer rugs in the Muslim section of the Machpelah, seemingly proving Goldstein right in his assertions. Not excusing what he did, but does this argument hold water?

  • Joshua — I dont know if it’s worth thinking about w/out looking at a written source.

  • xisnotx:
    I dont know if it’s worth thinking about w/out looking at a written source
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Holy Shit – I’m being called on my snarky attempt at smearing valid opinions!

    So tell us, xis – what “written source” reports that Peres killed Ofra Haza?

  • why, barry chamish, of course; and what could be more credible than the man who came up with the idea that john Lennon was a “patsy of the new world order” for writing the song Imagine, and that yoko Ono was part of a plot to assassinate him?

  • People like Barry Chamish always congregate around stories like this.

    But the Mossad’s use of agents provacateurs to discredit opposition political movements was discovered and documented by the government committe that investigated the shooting and the events leading up to it.

    And the incredible video clip of Yitzhak Rabin ambling along the sidewalk after supposedly being shot in the spine was replayed over and over on (inter)national TV.