As a typical college student in four classes, writing a thesis, dealing with people and various other activities, I’m always looking for new ways to procrastinate (since I clearly don’t do that enough). In my never-ending search to find things that will help me not do my homework, I found Free Rice. It’s this website that lets you procrastinate and donates rice to people around the world who face hunger on a daily basis. Basically, they give you a word and you have to find the best synonym for that word based on four options which they provide. In the process, for every word you get right, they donate ten grains of rice. They adjust the words based on your vocabulary level. I think it’s out of about 50. (I got up to about 35 in two minutes, so I’m sure ck would get to 50 in about thirty seconds. I’m basing this presumption purely on Scrabble games that I lost very, very badly.) So really the best part of the website is that now I can feel like a good person and not do my homework all at the same time. SCORE!

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