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  • 1) Sphincter control.
    2) Circumcision increases accuracy.

  • Yet another talent of Ben-David’s is revealed…

    Look, Muffti hates to be a spoilsport, but this explanation would keep the israelites from trudging around the desert. Ever tried to pee out a hebrew letter in sand?

  • Yes, she indeed has. Possibly because Froylein’s home is as far up north as Newfoundland. 🙂

    I once read that men possess an innate fear that something could be blocking their ureter, which sand could – theoretically – do whereas snow melts.

  • Great. Now your explanation has the children of Israel strolling around (for many many years) a place they are scared to pee. Muffti can see why you guys aren’t scientists!

  • That explanation was taken from psychology. Besides, if it’s an innate fear, it should already be there and not triggered by my explanation (which doesn’t affect the need to relieve oneself, but doesn’t make it a creative pastime either). And Muffti cannot make me believe that every square inch of Israel is covered in sand these days. 🙂