BOOM! Heh, just kidding!Hey! Remember how everyone was all freaking out about how these skinny, delusional, pimple faced er, I mean extreme right-wing Jewish settler underground bad-ass dudes were planning on blowing up the Al-Aqsa mosque? Well guess what? It was all a little Tisha B’Av joke!!! I did not know of this Tisha B’Av custom, but hell, there’s so much I don’t know ….

Just in case the Minister of Insecurity is reading this and is a bit confused, don’t worry Mr. HaNegbi, the poster is a hoax, the mosques are still on the Temple Mount, there is no construction of the Temple underway just yet. Don’t worry we can still enjoy a merry fast and go hang out at the kotel this Tisha BAAv.

May we all rejoice in the rebuilding of the Holy Temple speedily in our days, in spite of the great agony and pain that this future reality might bring to the hearts of a billion Muslims as well as to some of our more moronic Jewish leaders.

Anyhow, you can read about the hoax here, or uh … read my last post about sinat chinam again. Have an easy fast y’all.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.

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