Haliey Welch, also known as the “Hawk Tuah Girl” received a tremendous amount of...
Category - Popalicious
Music, Entertainment, Pop culture
The Queen’s Gornisht
The Queen’s Gambit and Jewish Exclusion By Cevin Soling, President of Spectacle Films and Xenu...
Introducing Nicole Raviv.
Some of our older but still vibrant readers may remember a time when music was purchased on a...
If Seth Rogen’s Parents had just Stayed in Israel…
So Nick Cannon went off on Jews in a Louis Farrakhan-inspired diatribe and got his ass handed to...
Seth Rogen Loves The Jews
Stoner Logic The usual suspects are all up in arms about some statements made during Mark...
Jewish Twitter Users Boycott Platform for 48 Hours to Protest...
A large and diverse coalition of twitter users have announced that they are boycotting Twitter for...