Haaretz reports that Shalom Nagar, the Chief Rabbi of Ariel, was arrested on suspicion of rape. I have just one question, if anyone knows the answer, please let me know – Is this the same Shalom Nagar who acted as Adolf Eichmann’s guard and hangman? Presumption of innocence aside, I sure hope it isn’t. That would totally suck – it would be a totally awful postscript to the whole Eichmann affair.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Thanks Josh. That was a good link about the executioner Nagar. I guess we’ll see what happens to the accused Nagar. Funny coincidence though – executioner Nagar is a chozer beh tshuvah and very religious but I like his plain spoken style. Seems like a really reasonable guy. Maybe someone ought to make him chief rabbi of something…

  • Weird story. We should be reminded that it really doesn’t take much to get someone arrested in Israel and that this Rabbi has several people who have struggled long to get him removed from his chief Rabbi post. I’ve met Rav Nagar a few times and think he’s easily over sixty and might have some hormones left, but even though I am not one of his devoted followers, I am really, really doubtful about this and hope that it is just another regular Israeli Rabbi slandering that goes nowhere.

    it isn’t the same Nagar