Prior to heading down, I arranged for us to attend a cool 4th of July party. Our host, Gabriel is originally from Mexico City. He now lives in East LA with his wife and kids and works at American Apparel. He’s Head of Maintenance and most of the people at the party were folks he worked with and their families.
Well, I wasn’t wrong. Gabriel and his wife prepared tons of meat, loads of spicy Salsa and chips, barrels full to the rim with ice and beer, tequila, mescal, you name it! Gabriel’s wife even pulled out what looked like a heart shaped … challah. Afterwards, Gabriel came out with cold watermelon and it was then that I realized something – Mexicans are exactly like Moroccan Jews. Except that Mexicans are Catholic. And they drink more. And they don’t eat cous cous. And they’re from Mexico. And while Moroccans bake and eat challahs, they are rarely heart shaped.
But other than that, they’re totally the same. They are very family oriented, they work hard and want a better life for their kids. Despite the fact that I speak no Spanish, I felt totally at home. Gabriel and his wife were awesome and friendly hosts and I felt like I was at my own family’s celebration. I mean we’re also immigrants and we’re also basically blue collar and I know all too well how my parents sacrificed for their kids.
Anyhow, we had an awesome time. Folks in East LA love to get together and have a good time. There was lots of laughter and happy kids running around. The entire neighbourhood was awash in amateur fireworks. It was really impressive! And then it was time for “Throw the Gringos in the Pool!” a game that began with me being thrown into the pool. With all my clothes on.
In all fairness it was Carolina (see the before and after pics), who under the influence of tequila, thought she could throw me into the pool with the help of half a dozen 5 year old girls. I played along but when we got close to the pool I grabbed Carolina and threw her into the pool, much to the delight of her former cohorts. Sadly I lost my balance and fell in as well. We were soon joined by pretty much the entire maintenance staff of American Apparel. And Muffti’s poor digital camera (z”l). Oh well, It aint a party till everyone gets wet I guess. I think Muffti and I are still recovering …
Yup. American Apparel is indeed more than just Dov Charney.
Pool Dumping Time
Carolina recruits the lil’ ones to dunk me oin the pool…
Right. Like that’s going to work… So instead I decide to frighten an innocent child.
Carolina: “He’s not really going to throw me in, right?”
Famous last words.
Gabriel our host (far left) and his crew. Yes. They did indeed all end up wet and it was all Carolina’s fault.
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Is that why I am still as single as a dollar bill???Because I didnt learn how to bake a challah in the shape of a heart???(I should start with being able to cook kawfee. Hey Ms Stewart, hows the anklet doin’? Care to give PBCC–Pre-Bride Cuisine Classes?)
Yeah! email us! jewlicious [at] gmail dot com Jeffe!
Hey Josue,
Muffti and CK are still in LA til tommorow and happy to be shown a good time Hoodio style. East LA was awesome! Email muffti or ck if ya wanna kick it.
Oye, Muffti, why didn’t ya let me know you were in LA? We’d have shown you a good time, Hoodio style, while you were in town. But glad to hear ya kicked it/kiked it in East LA.
Well, truth be told, you should see all the fool ideas that Muffti refuses to go along with. You guys only see a bias sample, the fool ideas Muffti goes along with and that get blogged about.
See Tom, that stuff just doesn’t resonate with me. I wonder if it might resonate more with an Orthodox Jew?
Middle, il Papa’s got a deal– 150 indulgences, selling now at cost! Two for $19.99, while supplies last.
We’ll give ya a freebie, this being shabbot and all.
So, go and sin no more, dude. Don’t let it happen again, OK? (Or do a better job of covering it up.)
Dude — if you’re still in LA, drop me a line!
…if you see the pics, you’ll realize that following Dave’s fool idea didn’t really go that badly for Muffti…)
Indeed, I saw the pics. And I would posit that this is precisely the reason that you go along with said fool ideas. But I hear you.
(…and if you see the pics, you’ll realize that following Dave’s fool idea didn’t really go that badly for Muffti…)
Muffti is no acolyte. He’s just very agreeable and a good friend. And a spell in LA is not exactly an unattractive proposition. Anyhow, clearly Jehova wanted it this way.
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I think that makes muffti an acolyte or an apostle or something. Which makes ck…oy.
Muffti was drunk AND he agrees with every fool idea ck blurts out.
Actually, I just took a course over the internet, and will be a priest by tomorrow. I nomine patri, etc…
He has consented to serve in that capacity. I did indicate that we would probably ignore his rulings, but he seems fine with that.
We have a pope?
It was your other post, dude. I was both touched and moved. And you may not have noticed, but Tom
Morrissey brings us sagacity and Pope-like qualities.
There are no priests here to accept your confession TM. What’s the mea culpa for again?
Wow, mea culpa.