Illuminate Me!
I loved the effort and particularly the ewlicious coming out of patty’s butt.
Miel just has this look that says “I dare you not to pick me.” Muffti and I had no choice. Winners all get an “Everything is Illuminated Prize Pack, featuring a cute t-shirt, the book by Jonathan Safran Foer, the Soundtrack CD and a travel baggie thing. Winners will be notified by email! As an added bonus for everyone, I added a track from the CD on playalicious – it’s Gogol Bordello singing Start Wearing Purple.
The thing that sucks is that so many of the entries were good. I’ll add a few honorable mentions to this post after Simchat Torah. Thanks O Gracious Movie Studio!
- Hawk Tuah Girl Haliey Welch is Not Jewish. Probably. - 8/9/2024
- Jews Blessed by their High Priests - 10/14/2022
- Foolproof Mufletta Recipe & Muflettapalooza / Mimouna Invite! - 3/26/2021
these pics r so much better than those jewschool pics of bored leftists sitting around a treyf deli table. i go to jewlicious fer the devil girls.
Hell yeah! We so deserve the top prize!!! Tiffy and I put real work in this, we actually had to like, pose (on a blue and white background in case any of you missed that!) and then photoshop it with class. Well, actually I think it’s the last time I let Tiffy photoshop a picture of me and put it on the internet. 😉 We are soooo jewlicious! Go us!
am i jewish enough to make this list?
am i jewish enough to make this list?
p.s. for those who just can’t resist seeing some hot rabbi/donkey action, click here.
p.s. for those who just can’t resist seeing some hot rabbi/donkey action, click here.
dang. my “pidyon peter chamor” pic didn’t win.
for those who didn’t get to see —
it was a picture of a rabbi holding a young donkey in his arms!
and the donkey was all gussied-up like a white-trash prom queen!
(of course he was on his way to do the mitzvah of “redeeming the firstborn donkey” — but that’s not what it looks like to me!)
and i wouldve got that prize pack too, if it weren’t for you meddling judges!
See also “Arse,” Cockney rendering of word designated to mean posterior. (Ex: “Come on, Dover–move yer bloomin’ arse!”-My Fair Lady)
ARSS – ערס Hyper-groomed young male, characterized by highly developed table ritual of pondering held glass of Turkish coffee while fingers of same hand hold lit cigarette and other hand manipulates cell phone. Also known to exhibit pack behavior, especially while driving subwoofer-on-wheels. Often observed eyeing, if not in company of, Fre’kha
hey, i in no way implied that to be hirsute was a bad quality, in men. toda la’el you’re not an iraqi girl. and i would know, my ukranian father did me no justice in that department. sarah silverman in fact lists her hairiness as one of the reasons she became a comic. white skin, black hair. it’s just so cosmically unjust.
It’s a good thing you can’t see my lower half. =) I think–if I remember correctly–I was dressed up as a Ca$h money Crew Hasidic Rabbi/Fiddler. My brother was an Israeli Ars, and had added chest hair. For the definition of Ars, please see laya.
Josh, Ofri, keep the adjectives coming. And I will never deny my half Iraqi heritage. (That’s where most of the hair comes from. The Hungarian father gave me the blue eyes, and the paleness. thanks pop!)
You looked pretty wasted, EY! What are you dressed up as? and what exactly are you doing to her in the pic that is causing such a glorious white toothed smile?
I hear ya, Encino. Anyway, she has a nice smile and she’s attractive. I hope you guys rediscover each other in a couple of years.
For the record, her dad is a dentist! And I’m restraining myself from saying any more.
For the record, her teeth are blinding!
Middle, muffti, that dude is ME, the encino yeled! This is so exciting! And for the record, she’s also a member of the tribe, and we were both pretty wasted by that point in time. It was after all, Hallow’s Eve.
TM, *hic* you bastid, *hic* Muffti resembles that comment! *hic*
That dude is dressed like a Jew? 😆 The She-Devil, maybe.
Good entries, folks, especially Miel who must have known that a drunken Muffti would think that pic was in focus.
Wow, Bernanke gets to head the Fed, and these folks get prize packs…what a day.