Matis and Mini YahuIt seems like every time Matisyahu is in town, I run into him on Ben Yehuda street. Well this time is no different. Matisyahu is in Jerusalem with his wife and kid (Miniyahu) to celebrate Shavuot. Next Thursday he’ll be the opening act for Sting at Ramat Gan Stadium. Tickets are 300 NIS. And afterwards you get to see Sting in concert. I’m no fan of Sting but I welcome him to Israel regardless. I swear I thought saw a sign at a shop that said “Welcome to Israel! Big Discount for Brave Sting!”

But for those of you not so enamored of Sting, guess what? Matisyahu let me in on a little secret and we’re pleased to be the first to announce that he will be playing again on Saturday night in Tel Aviv at the Barbi (Kibbutz Glauyot 52 ,corner of Hertzel Street – phone: 035188123). Tickets will be available on Sunday and are set to cost around 150 NIS.

Michael is spending Shavuot with Harry and Ziva and so you can expect the requisite snarky comment very soon (he is currently in transit). Miniyahu was very animated and cute despite the heat. My how he’s grown since Jewlicious@TheBeach 2.0! Thanks to Mrs. Matisyahu for taking the photo. Probably the worst pic of me ever taken …

Happy Shavuot! Enjoy this video clip from YU.

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • shalom, you know what? All money is worthed to see Matis live, Im saying this from Budapest, Hungary, Central-Europe! His music has brought emlightment to many youth all over the world, maybe in Israel ” it is not such a big deal”, but I JUST CANT AGREE WITH THE CHEAP GUYS THAT SAY HIS TICKETS IS EXPENSIVE! We all know where Matis came from, and that is surely not a religios background! His soul was touched by God at an early age, and he followed and gave up all he had before. Now let us enjoy his music and MATIS BE BLESSED AND COME TO HUNGARY ! JAH LOVE.

  • props dave on the info. also bumped into matis or chaya in jerusalem, his wife was in a shiur with me my friend. he mentioned the concert but didnt say where in tel aviv it was. my friend beat boxed for him, it was pretty funny. anwyays, maybe i’ll go, 150 is kinda a lot though. cheers! have a good shabbos!

  • Ready for all the E minor, A Minor, and F Sharp kick ass songs.

    One thing that disturbs me about the poseur, is how he treated his buddies who helped to promote him to International fame. What did they do wrong at JDub, to cause this dip shit, to walk out of a contract, thereby, losing JDub a considerable respect and business legitimacy?

    And for what? what has this new association w/ ersh and Associated, brought to him?

    Yes, and how many times can we hear about his becoming frum?

    Does anyone actually find any fun in his music?

    I listened to the CD’s a few times. I mean, OK I get the point, that he has this kind of religious ferver. An identity. OK, cool.

    What is the attraction to continue to listen to the same stuff? is it a religious experience, in leu (sp) of proper Tefillot?

  • it kind of depends on who’s playing. 150 nis for tickets is not at all uncommon at Barby. Blonde Redhead tickets are 150 too, and they’re way better.

  • is US$30 really that expensive for a show in tel aviv?

    i’ve paid between $25 and $80 for matis shows in san francisco over the last two and half years.

  • 150 NIS for a Matisyahu show in Israel? That’s criminal! JDUB FOREVER!!!!!! (Michael, who is sitting next to me petting my dog agrees with me!)

  • Whoa! Just to let you guys know, CK is actually a pretty tall man, so Matis must be an anuk.

    Also, just to let you guys know, CK is not the wierdest looking in the world, the picture aside! CK, ol pal, perhaps you should stick to the other side of the lens so to speak…