Charlies Dinner with Lynn Schusterman

The ROI120 Conference is in (almost) full swing. It started for me on Saturday night when Lynn Schusterman hosted a dinner at one of the local trendy restos in my otherwise blue collar Machaneh Yehuda Market neighbourhood. At the dinner were assorted guests as well as Schusterman Foundation Charlie Award recipients.

Ariela and GaliaThe Charlies, as they are fondly called, are an international group of birthright israel alumni who have distinguished themselves in one way or another via their post-birthright activities. They are meant to be the vanguard of the ROI120 Conference. To the right we see Charlies Ariela from Argentina and Galia from the Ukraine. Galia is wearing the official conference t-shirt designed by yours truly, featuring Theodor Herzl in a Che Guevara pose. Neat, huh? Yes. That is indeed Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism. It’s not some random Rabbi and it’s not Hassidic Reggae Superstar Matisyahu. OK?

Sunday evening was spent getting all the participants registered. Later that evening a number of us went out to enjoy the Jerusalem night life. Some enjoyed it decidedly more than others… Monday morning we went out to some executive outdoor team building activity thing. Former IDF spokesperson Miri Eisen addressed the group with an inspiring speech meant to kick start the conference. Understandably, she spoke remarkably well.

The day was spent in the hot sun doing various group activities allowing the participants to get to know each other as well as possible. Later we went to the Kotel (to pray for the success of the conference?) and then to the Samson Room at Hebrew Union College for dinner (kosher!) and more rousing speeches from Shimshon Shoshani , Chief Executive Officer birthright israel, and Lynn Schusterman.

Truth is, not much really happened tachlis wise today. The Conference begins in earnest on Tuesday. I managed to meet a lot of the participants and let me tell you, they’re even more impressive live than on virtual paper. But yeah… nothing substantive has happenned yet. Instead, here are some pretty pics of participants:

Ariel Beery, Muffti and Esther
Ariel Beery, Muffti and Esther
Bruno from Judapest
Maya and Tracy
Former IDF Spokesperson, Col. Miri Eisen
Dan Sieradski
Dan Sieradski from Jewschool
Avi Poupko
Rabbi Avi Poupko, Harvard Hillel Chaplain
Sarah Lefton
Sarah from the Jewish Fashion Conspiracy
Israeli rapper Shai360 – represent!
Shamir Power
Shamir Power! From Jewschool

Coming up soon – more substantive stuff and less pics of people I know!

Cross posted on ROI120 Blog

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.