During hostage taking (L) and today (R).

During hostage taking (R) and today (L).

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

On Monday, once again, your city will be hosting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Dictator of Iran, one of the most evil men on earth. Just a peek at his portfolio: Ahmadinejad has crushed his people and opponents, kept Americans hostage in 1979, and promises to wipe Israel off the map.

His actions and his words speak volumes about his intentions to build and use nukes.

He sends guns, ammo, land mines, missiles, money and bombs to Hamas, Hizbollah, and those killing American soldiers in Iraq.

He is a murderous madman like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

Imagine the suffering that could have been avoided if anyone of them had been apprehended, tried and sentenced before they were allowed to institute their evil plans?

Do the right thing— and the world will thank you. It will raise your profile and your moral standing. It will be a mitzvah.

America wants this madman off the streets.

Sign this petition to Mayor Bloomberg Join Facebook group

Protests tomorrow in NYC
Mobilize your constituents to attend a National Rally to Stop Iran on Monday, September 22nd at 11:45am to be held at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at the UN.
Feel free to download the flier.

This rally is being organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of NY and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. For more information please contact, [email protected] – 212 983 4800 x161 or [email protected], 212 318 6111

As of press time, we do not know if Palin, Hilary, or John Stewart will be attending.

About the author

Rabbi Yonah


  • Israel is a genocide state much more similar to Hitler`s regime than Iran.

  • He might not be Hitler… but I hear he has bad breath. That alone should ban him from Manhattan

  • No one will defend the Iranian Mullah-tocracy’s human rights record; it’s inexcusable and horrendous. For that Ahmadinejad deserves the scorn of anyone who stands for justice. That being said, it’s beyond me how elements of the Jewish community lose their minds over this man.

    Hitler? Stalin? Mao?

    Does no one see the insanity of crucifying Iran for supposedly threatening Israel with havoc and destruction, when Israel actually reeked havoc and destruction on one of its neighbors?

    How about Israel supplying weapons to groups in Cambodia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, the South Lebanon Army, India, China, Burma and Zambia? Or their training and supplying Georgian troops before their violent incursion into S. Ossetia?

    And if we’re frank, we can’t exactly ignore the numerous reports on Israeli human rights. Israel isn’t hanging gays or sending out modesty police, but the violations do exist and have been widely documented.

    It’s näive to believe that in the era of American Empire every state will be held to the same standard on these issues, so I don’t. But I will still never understand how otherwise seemingly logical people could become so illogically hysterical over Ahmadinejad.

  • If Rabbi Yonah wants to flush the UN down the toilet, by all means, arrest Ahmadinejad.

    And at least for now, he’s no Hitler– indeed, no Mugabe.

  • Hitler? Really? I wouldn’t say he’s “a murderous madman like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.” I’d say he has the potential to be a murderous madman like… I know, I’m being anal. But I am sensitive to Hitler comparisons…