X-mas eve is Jewish Tradition in New York. City Winery is serving more than Matza Balls, but a evening combining great music, comedy, storytelling and lots of wine. This evening will play host to Todd Barry, Jakie Hoffman, Leah Siegel, and as part of the Sephardic Music Festival we will be featuring: Anthony Coleman’s Sephardic Tinge. To start and end the evening Diwon will be spinning Sephardic remixes. The evening includes a special midnight mess featuring the evening’s host, The Rebetzin Hadassah Gross, who is the ageless widow of six Hasidic Rabbis and a personal soul trainer to the ultra-orthodox elite.
Dec 24th @ City Winery (The first open to the public event at City Winery)
155 Varick street between Spring & Vandam, NYC
(buy tickets @ www.citywinery.com)
Full Line up – www.sephardicmusicfestival.com
Win Tickets? Easy, go to www.shemspeed.com/chanukah
ARE YOU SERIOUS? HADASSAH GROSS is worth the price of admission. I thought she was retired or in a nursing home, or just agoraphobic and spending her days at home cleaning her own bathroom. I will be there!