To those who celebrate it…

contains vitamins

contains vitamins

This is basically this recipe, but made in a springform pan, with orange zest in the cream cheese mix and instant espresso powder in the chocolate creme. I suggest using a gelling agent for the fillings lest the torte will be too soggy to cut.

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  • Ah well, Ephraim, the filling melts and acts like a glue (comparable to the sugar in a regular crumb base).

    We don’t have animal shortening over here; it’s pretty common in Britain though. (Hardened) Palm oil is more common resp. sunflower or raps margarine.

    My only (personal) concerns about animal fat are that it is more likely to be a carrier of diseases (e.g. mad cow) and that I don’t like the taste of fats to begin with.

    Considering that in many countries it’s still legal to sell aborted fetuses to the cosmetics industry, I can think of things more gross than animal fat.

  • You keep the filling?

    Well, chacun a son gout, I guess, but yuck.

    A few Oreos with milk are OK. But I just can’t see making a cake out of them.

    I always liked Sunshine-brand Hydrox cookies better. Before Oreos got an OU, the filling was made with “shortening”, which in the US can mean anything, but always meant that animal fat was used, usually lard or even beef tallow.

  • Emmenthaler is harmless – try Harzer. 🙂

    The growing of the rice (the underwater technique) is pretty smelly as it smells, well, like plants rotting in water. You’re the first person I encounter that likes the smell of fermentation; afterall is a process of decomposing, so to speak. Just as sauerkraut during its fermentation smells pretty icky. I hardly ever if at all eat beef, so I’ve always been wondering why people would eat cuts of meat that are already in a state of decomposing when you buy them from the butcher’s as otherwise, rumour has it, it would not be tender enough.
    I can’t stand the smell of apples either as they decompose pretty swiftly, particularly when cut open.

    The filling of the oreos gets crushed, too, so it serves as the sugar in a crumb base.

  • Well, I certainly hope that at the very least you get rid of the filling before you use the Oreos.

    Soy sauce, at least the proper Japanese kind that is made from real soybeans and is naturally fermented, would not make anyone throw up unless they’re opposed to soy sauce in general, or just don’t like the smell of yeast and fermenting things (I happen to love it).

    And since I usually eat natural Japanese rice, which is simply dried and polished after it is harvested, I’m puzzled at what part of this process would induce nausea. Or are you talking about something like Rice-a-Roni, or whatever you have in Europe that performs the same function?

    I will say, however, that I have met certain cheeses, Emmenthaller chief among them, that really do make my stomach churn. Truly disgusting.

  • Why would anyone make something like this? Possibly because reading the recipe did not make them want to barf. We’ve talked about crumb bases before; it doesn’t actually make a difference whether the cookies used are Nabisco’s or some generic brand. That distinction would be pretentious. Technically, this dish is close to a non-fruit trifle, which millions of people serve, and many more eat, as a special dessert all over the English-speaking world.

    Considering that Oreos are the USA’s most successful cookies and likewise Nabisco the most succesful producer, I dare say a lot of people wouldn’t mind making and eating something like this.

    Besides, there are many processed ingredients we use in everyday cooking that would really make you throw up if you looked / smelled into the production process, e.g. rice, yeasts, soy sauce. 🙂

  • No offense intended, but reading the recipe made me want to barf.

    Why would anyone make something like this?

  • DK, I’m lactose intolerant myself, and therefore I used lactose-free milk and cream cheese. 🙂
    The cream’s a non-dairy one, too, but it doesn’t stay in shape quite as well as regular whipped cream.

  • Wow. Look at that thing. No wonder they got so many converts! Good thing my ancestors were lactose intolerant…

  • We’ve got other brands. The generic name for such desserts is “Wackelpudding”. 🙂

    Lots of love to you, too!

  • Wishing you lots of love …from your favorite anti-semite!

    How do German’s do Jell-O shots? I guess female Jell-O wrestling also does not take place in your country?

  • Haha, one of my brothers loves Oreos, so that’s why I’ve tried this out. In my defence, I had to travel 20 miles one way to get the Oreos as they aren’t available all over the place here. We don’t have Jell-O here, so I used Natreen, which is sugar free, plus a lowfat (0.2%) cream cheese.

    I’ll bake something more substantial again, soon. The long plaited hazelnut bun disappeared before I could take a pic of it…


    A cake made of crushed Oreos?!?!?!

    What have you done with the real Froylein?