Help this kid get to Passover next year in Jerusalem. If you have not been swabbed – it is painless. It can really save a life. Gift of Life came to Jewlicious Festival last year and collected a bunch of folks for the donor data base. Give them a call if you have a shul, school, or org that can organize a drive. And make it fast- like baking matzah.

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you today with the hope that you will be able to organize an emergency bone marrow drive with Gift of Life on behalf of two year old Eve who is in urgent need of a donor for a bone marrow transplant.

If you haven’t yet run a bone marrow drive, it is very simple and only requires a swab of the inside of your cheek.

For information on running a drive, please contact Shayne Pilpel, Recruitment Coordinator at 800-9MARROW x2944 or email at [email protected].

Please help us save Eve’s life – It only takes one person!

Warm Regards,


About the author

Rabbi Yonah