
Staff Editorial meeting of Join us!

Staff Editorial meeting of Join us!

Hey Comrade! Are you Jewish and can write in Russian? Do you enjoy Jewlicious and want to help spread our goodness to the Russian speaking world? Or do you merely want to figure out a way to have meaningful dialog with ROI alum and Editor Tanya Gutsol? Then why not write for We can’t promise you any money but we can promise you higher visibility in the Jewish world, a certain measure of fame and maybe, just maybe an authentic Versace shirt. You know, the classy one with that Versace logo Grecian motif? Da Tavarich! Real Versace! OK, maybe I was kidding about the Versace shirt. But Tanya is indeed looking for a few good writers. So if you want to help out, please contact Tanya at [email protected] and see what you can do! As for the rest of you, should you want to support the mission of, you can make a donation to via PayPal or buy a snazzy Rucking Fussians t-shirt (or thong or boxer shorts or whatever) from our Cafe Press shop. Dos Vedanya Comrade or should I say До свидания, товарищ!

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.