Over the past 6 years Shemspeed has produced the Sephardic Music Festival in NYC, highlighting the remarkable diversity that exists within the Jewish community. This is the first music festival to focus exclusively on the less familiar but captivating culture of the Jewish communities of Spain/Portugal, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. They just announced a slew of new performers and special guests to this year’s HEEBONISM, including Tesly Snipes, the world famous Brooklyn based DJ, JahFurry, Heeb writing reggae dittyer, Y-Love, the revolutionary emcee and Tj Di Hitmaker, the Jamaican dancehall Jersey bwoy.
Get the chance to attend both SMF Mega Events at a discount! The first Mega Event is at 6:30pm on Dec 24th at (le) Poisson Rouge with the Godfather of Israeli music, Miki Gavrielov with Boston based fiddler, Lily Henley and the ISRAMERICA House Band. This live show will be followed by the second SMF Mega Event, which is Heeb magazine’s infamous HEEBOSNISM party filled with debauchery and holiday spirit.
p.s. Be sure to check out the Arts & Leisure section of the NY Times this weekend for a big story on the Festival and its producer, Erez Safar. Find more info on our Events Page.
Founded by Erez Safar, Shemspeed is an independent recording label & promotional agency devoted to producing and developing dynamic multi-cultural artists and interactive media. More...
Founded by Erez Safar, Shemspeed is an independent recording label & promotional agency devoted to producing and developing dynamic multi-cultural artists and interactive media. More...
Kudos to Erez for getting recognition in the NY Times – what he deserves!
Thanks Jewlicious! We hope to see everyone come out for Heebonism!
xox Blabigail