My friend Shoshana Jaskoll, founder of Amuta21c recently sent this to me – Amuta21c starts tomorrow morning in Jerusalem so don’t dally (like I did – but I was in LA/NYC/Frankfurt – I have an excuse!) – check it out! I know a number of the presenters and participants will have an amazing experience and a fabulous networking opportunity! So go!! Anyhow, here’s Shoshana’s write up:

Attention Nonprofit Professionals In Israel-

Come help us improve the third sector!

Last year, in efforts to raise the standards and build a real community out of the Israeli nonprofit sector, we created the Future of Nonprofit Summit: Israel. This year, the name has changed but the aims are the same.

There is still a lot of work to do to help Israeli nonprofits be aware of the tools, trends and opportunities that are available to help them grow and reach more people, to get their message across and accomplish their goals.

Showcasing workshops on Israeli HiTech startups and what amutot can learn from them, Social Media- how to do it right, the Social Justice movements and what they mean for Israeli society, PR, Marketing, Video, Advertising, Websites, Banking and more- we will be tackling many of the issues nonprofits face today.

Now, y’all are Jewlicious readers which mean you’re already savvy in some of these areas, so come and join us as we push along the rest of the sector to where it needs to be!

You want to make a difference? Here’s your chance. This aint yo mama’s conference. This is a game changer where what we say matters and how we see it counts.

Be in touch and let us know what you’d like to see happen. Got great ideas? Maybe we can help you share ‘em.

Sign up at We really look forward to having you there!

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.