Wet and Kosher

According to Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health Promotion, about 1/3 of women between the ages of 18-59 experience dryness during sexual intercourse, even when aroused. That of course means that 1/3 of Jewish women experience the same. For most people the solution to that problem is a simple one – dab a little lube to the applicable regions or sex toys like fleshlights (extra discount for 5% off at Fleshlight.com if you’re looking for one) involved and that should take care of it. Simple right? Yes, but not so simple if you keep kosher – given the messy and frenetic nature of sex, one may, accidentally or by design, ingest said lubricant. As such, the kosher consumer requires kosher lube – yet no such lube exists and the kosher consumer is left with few choices. I mean, there’s always spit but that’s just not as slippery/waterproof as a good lube and besides, if you’re trying to get pregnant, spit isn’t exactly friendly to your sperm.

Yummy and soon to be kosher!

Yummy and soon to be kosher!

Well all that’s going to change now that Trigg Laboratories is set to get kosher certification for it’s world class lubes from the Rabbinical Council of California:

As part of the process, the company said it submitted its entire 52,000-square-foot plant in Valencia, Calif., to strict “kosherization” procedures… Approved “Wet” lubes will now be stamped with a “K” to show they meet the standards of Jewish dietary law, known as “kashrut,” which prohibits the consumption of certain animals and requires the ritual slaughter of those deemed edible… In touting the certification, company founder Michael Trigg lifted a line from an old Hebrew National commercial for its kosher hot dogs… “We’ve always maintained the highest standards of production and quality control for our entire line of premium products,” Trigg said. “The ‘K’ imprint on our packages says that we maintain the highest standards of purity and answer to a higher authority.”

Apparently, the inspiration for this move came from the president of the company, Sean Smith, when he converted to Judaism after marrying a Jewish woman. How romantic is that? This news comes just before Tu B’Av, aka the Jewish Valentine’s Day, so that’s like, good news, right? Also good news, especially if you’re in LA, is that Lovefest is happening this Saturday night!

Jewlicious, East Side Jews + Wilshire Boulevard Temple team up to steam up the summer by hosting “LOVE FEST,” a 21+ event, on Saturday, July 20th, 2013 starting at 9:00 pm. This irreverent and modern celebration of Tu B’Av, the Jewish Day of Love, includes an aphrodisiac nosh, a live DJ, food trucks, a full bar and special guest performers. The event will last until the wee hours of the morning – or until each person finds a soulmate

For more info visit the Lovefest Eventbrite page! And then go if you’re single.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.