Uh... what?

Belgian photographer Jean Van Cleemput has a new book out called Beluga, which features scantily clad models posing with sea food in a Belgian Chinese restaurant. Van Cleemput is a fairly well known photographer with an international client list. His past work includes a series on war, pictured above. This features partially clad women posing as various modern warriors complete with guns, machetes and explosives belts. When asked what inspired this provocative imagery he replied:

George Bush, the beginning of the war in Iraq, and the world that’s getting more and more extreme … I don’t like to discuss too much about photography, there are always pro and contras. When you make pictures, people are not used to seeing, then it becomes a never ending discussion, that’s why I like to keep it purely visual.

I took the liberty of adding in some strategic Jewlicious logos and Magen Davids, but otherwise I am not quite sure why I felt compelled to blog this. When presented with images of nude women dressed as Palestinian suicide bombers, members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and Klansmen – how could I resist? Seriously. Is there a larger message here? Maybe, but tonight I agree with our Belgian photographer “I don’t like to discuss too much about photography.”

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • yes but you are governed by the prevailing judeo-christian conservativism… or at least by the fear of yet another tzniyus-focused comment thread which is, just, like, so 2004…

  • What’s up with the censorsing on Jewschool and Jewlicious? Since when do we shy away from nudity? We aren’t goverened by the FCC you know…

  • Glad to hear it Moby. Did you get walking stick / crutches / another shoe? Moshav weddings are not for everyone ya know. They can get pretty dangerous …. be careful next time.

  • That’s funny Moby. Although I swear I ran across that site totally randomly. But, yeah, props to Jewschool, although you didn’t mention his new book … 😉

    How’s the leg bitch? Or should I say, hopalong?

  • wow, so provacative, so thought inspiring, makes me think that there will be actual people who will buy it and love it