We have one more reason to love Lena Dunham. She is a dating a Jewish dude, Jack Antonoff, the guitarist from the band fun. Yes, that is right. A famous Jewish actress is unabashedly in love with a Jewish man. OMG! (They won’t get married until Gay marriage is legal everywhere, so don’t hold your breath or call Rabbi Yonah just yet.)

Antonoff spoke about his strong Jewish background to Heeb last spring and you can read more about him here.

I don’t think I could be more culturally proud of being Jewish. Religiously, though, there are a lot of things in Judaism, the religion, that I still have a very hard time with.

Lena spoke with the Jewish Journal about her own Jewish identity last spring too:

“I took an amazing trip to Israel two years ago,” she added. “It was the most connected I’ve felt to that part of myself. I learned a lot both spiritually and personally, so it’s something that I would like to write about, although I’m not sure this show will be the outlet.”

These two would love Jewlicious Festival with its creative Jewish fun come-as-you are attitude. Shall we start a petition?

About the author


struggling. emotional. help.


  • practice. I started getting into this mindset two years ago and made a New Year’s resolution only to buy clothes I absolutely need. I ended up buying three or four items the entire year (mainly exercise clothes). This year I

  • Jewish actresses marrying Jewish men is more common than Jewish actors marrying Jewish women, actually.

  • And what was the first reason to love this fool? Yeah, THAT’s why they’re not getting married. LOL.