Jewlicious Festival 9, March 8-10, Queen Mary, Long Beach — Music, Culture, Conversation, Food. Tickets and hotel packages are on sale now. Use promo-code “harlemshake” for $10 off!

Rami Jaffe (Wallflowers, Foo Fighters)
Jonny Kaplan and the Lazy Stars
Samba Stilt Circus
Sam Glaser (Producer)
Mikey Pauker (Indie Rocker)
Shmuley Boteach (Author,Kosher Sex, TV Shalom in the Home)
Elliah Kasoff (CEO, Leaf Brands)
Rob Eshman (Editor-in-Chief, Jewish Journal)
David Segal (Israeli Consul General)
Ayo Oppenheimer (Editor,Jewrotica)
Lisa Klug (Author, Hot Mamale)
Michele Grant (Founder, Grilled Cheese Truck)
Dana Segeilman (Organizer,
Ori Neditch (Entrepreneur, How you and your cell phone can reshape reality)
Simcha Green (Rabbi, Judaism and Pot)
Rabbi Yonah (Author, Festival Director)
Nikki Ferraro (Board Member, Much Love Animal Rescue)
Jeffrey Mendelsohn (Celebrity Kennel Owner-Rover)
Josh Lebow (MD.,Real Health Center)
Drew Kaplan (Rabbi, Business & Judaism)
Rav Shmuel (Rabbi, )
David Abitbol (
Rachel Bookstein (Jewlicious Festivals)
Amir Give’on (The Whole World)
Ayesha Rachel Bhavsar (Medical Ethics)
Other special celebrity guests
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About the author

Rabbi Yonah