It’s just like Hunger Games. But in this Jewish sequel, no one dies, there’s no game per se, nor are there any evil dictators. It’s just that the Jews can’t nosh for a day. Gasp!

“I just keep wishing I could think of a different way to pay for my sins. If I’m gonna atone, I still want to eat.”
“Don’t be such a bitch.”

From the video description:

The Jewish Hunger Games Trailer – The MUCH-ANITCIPATED SEQUEL to the international blockbuster sensation THE HUNGER GAMES: Every year, the Chosen People of Israel must fast for 24 hours to atone for their sins. Are you fasting for The Jewish Hunger Games? If you know other Jews & Gentiles who like The Hunger Games, please share, and “may the lox be ever in your flavor!”

Have an easy fast and like Catniss Abromowitz says – don’t be such a bitch. Kudos to Jon Rudnitsky & Jack Michelman on making a Yom Kippur-themed viral video that is funny. It’s not very spiritual, but, ya know. Whatever.

H/T: JewTube

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.