Every major conflict is fought on many fronts. This second installment on the War of Attrition...
Author - Rav Mike Feuer
TJS S4 Interlude 10th of Tevet: it’s not too late
Every fast day is an chance for cheshbon nefesh, for making an accounting of life and the world...
TJS S4E8 War of Attrition part I
Changing our conceptions is one of the hardest things in life to do, for countries as well as...
TJS S4 Interlude: Interview w/Rabbi Berel Wein
It is not every day that you get to speak with a legend, much less interview one. Here are some...
TJS S4E6 Israel post ’67 part II – The Greater Israel
One can look at life as one long string of decisions, whether for individuals or nations. Israel...
TJS S4 Interlude: Interview with Yossi Klein Halevi
This week I host author and thought leader Yossi Klein Halevi. Our conversation touches on his...