Going into battle may take bravery, but waiting demands a certain type of courage as well. This...
Author - Rav Mike Feuer
TJS S3 Interlude – George Floyd and the burden of history
I can’t watch what is happening in silence, but nor am I willing to simply be a cheerleader...
TJS S3E29 Six Day War III Israel Dwells
The countdown to war is progressing, and the pieces are almost all in place. As the pressure...
TJS S3E28 The Six Day War II – The point of no return
The causes of war may be many and the road to its outbreak long, but every conflict has a tipping...
TJS Interlude – Finding the essential on Yom Haatzmaut
Here is an interview of me by Rabbi Yonatan from the RRG Beit Midrash at Hebrew University in which...
TJS S3E27 Six Day War I – beginnings near and far
Who can say when historical events like the Six Day War actualy began, and what were their causes...