The exodus from Egypt was only the first step on the road to Sinai. The bridge between Egypt and...
Author - Rav Mike Feuer
TJS S3 Interlude – the many faces of mercy
Sometimes you have to speak from the heart. Here are a few thoughts, or really feelings, about our...
TJS S3E26 Eli Cohen, hero of Israel
Historians may argue about whether one person can shift the course of history, but everyone agrees...
TJS S3 Purim Interlude: Own your story
The Jewish Story is narrative therapy for a nation, but how can it also serve each of us in our...
TJS S3 E25 Shifting identities in early Israel
The present is always built on the ruins of the past, the only real question is – how do we...
TJS S3 E24 Levi Eshkol – a new face of leadership
Old politicians never die, they just fade away. The era of Ben Gurion ended in 1963 and it appeared...