Ooooh, the man is really angry. Shlomo Sand (also known as Shlomo Zand) is angry that historians...
Author - themiddle
An Oldie but a Goodie
Nina Simone singing Eretz Zavat Halav! We’re here to entertain you. (Video is fixed so check...
Shlomo Sand Excoriated for Shoddy History Once Again
This is getting to be such a bad habit. This time it’s the Guardian – no particular...
Remember when some of us on Jewlicious railed against the status...
Look, over the years here on Jewlicious, we’ve had some uncomfortable debates about aspects...
New Yeshivas
There is no room for insubordination in the IDF on the basis of ideology. That has been the case...
Olive or Canola Oil?
This is the first year I’ve exclusively used olive oil for making latkes and they were...