For decades, but particularly during Arafat’s last years, the Palestinians’ position...
Author - themiddle
Barry Rubin’s Swampland Analogy
I like Barry Rubin. He leans more to the right than I’d like but his commentary is frequently...
Tel Aviv and Shabbat
This is Tel Aviv, at the beach, taken by Stina Baruh who seems to be Turkish and was on a visit to...
A couple of notes
A. Make sure to keep tracking Gila Weiss’s My Shrapnel blog. It is, without a doubt, one of...
Hula Valley Shabbat
Hulah Valley or Hula Valley (in Hebrew: עמק החולה, `Emeq ha-HÅ«lÄh) is region in northern...
Jews and Obama
I know some Jewish voters who plan to vote for Barack Obama. I know some who plan to vote for...