June Walker, the chairperson of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Shocktroops of Gentrification: The Jerusalem Market now has a...
Hey! Wanna make loads of cash? Seems like all you have to do is follow me around and wherever I...
Not your average kvittel: Obama’s letter to God read...
“Lord — Protect my family and me,” reads the note published in the Maariv daily...
Pro-Israel advocates are Sleepless in Seattle
[UPDATED] On the ballots in Seattle is a tricky little bill called Initiative 97 by a group called...
Bush following Obama’s lead on Iran?
July 20, 2008 Mike Luckovich from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Hat tip to Zvi. First the Bush...
Haaretz’s Rosner Rips JStreet a New One
Latest Jstreet Survey called laughable You know Jstreet right? It’s an organization created...