Colbert and the mastermind behind The Israel Lobby. I think it ends in a draw, and Colbert was way...
Category - Isralicious
Because Israel is YUM!
Sick news on the State of the Union: the USA is still the reigning King Of War – exporting...
Hilary the Hawk and Obama the Wimp?
Hilary Clinton, the front running Dem for Pres 08, supported Israel’s attack on a suspected...
Palestine Really IS for Lovers!
When one thinks of the West Bank and Gaza, one may think of many things: Palestinian national...
Live in a Sukkah
Harvest festivals are always fun, and Sukkot creates not just a time to celebrate, but a place...
Sukkot 5768
The Feast of the Tabernacles, the Feast of Ingathering or just simply the Hut Holiday, Sukkot in...