Jewschool has their rebbetzin and we have ours: The Renegade Rebbetzin. We don’t know who she...
Category - Jewlicious
Everything Jewish and Delicious
Would you shake hands with a Jew?
MEMRI reproduces excerpts from a show on Saudi Arabia’s IQRA TV Channel, featuring...
Accredited bloggers at this year’s GA?
… there aint any. Yesterday in New York, the United Jewish Communities (UJC) issued a press...
Mobester, do you need some help?
Jewschool reports: Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/httpd/vhosts/jewschool...
Dudes! Sign up for your Free Trip to Israel NOW!
Seriously. Do it now. I’ve been working with birthright Israel trip provider IsraelExperts...
It’s embarrassing when our clerics, err, rabbis start announcing fatwas. I mean, how are we...