This week I host author and thought leader Yossi Klein Halevi. Our conversation touches on his...
Category - Jewlicious
Everything Jewish and Delicious
TJS S4 Interlude: Interview with Dr. Michael Oren
In this interlude I am joined by special guest Dr. Michael Oren. The topic at hand is how the Six...
Sell Erev Rosh Hashana, Buy Yom Kippur, Rest Sukkot 2020
There is a Wall Street adage of SELL ROSH HASHANA, BUY YOM KIPPUR to make some dollars on the stock...
My Rosh Hashana Playlist 5781
I bought my apples. I bought my honey varieties and Rosh Pandemic greeting cards. And Now is the...
TJS S4E3 American Jewry after 1967 part III, Ocean Hill...
There are stories which are turning points in a larger tale, and there are those which prove to be...
JewliciousEats: Rosh Hashana Recipe Roundup 5781
WOW… THE QUARANTINED SUMMER in the Northern Hemisphere went fast; and I know that Rosh...