For a few brief weeks, it looked like 1968 would be a revolution in America on par with 1967 in...
Tag - Rav Mike
TJS S3 Interlude: Hannukah – releasing the light within
Here is a live interlude from Rav Mike – his annual class in memory of his father, Charles...
TJS S3E20 Spirit of the 60’s part I: pragmatism and...
The 1960s were a revolutionary period in American history, and since the Jews were so deeply...
TJS S3E19: The Samson Option
In the first decade of the state, Prime Minister Ben Gurion was haunted by one thought – that...
TJS S3E18 The Eichmann Trial
The Holocaust was so dark and vast that Jews around the world struggled to integrate it into their...
TJS S3E17: The Kastner affair
The memory of the the Holocaust is dark and traumatic enough that it threatens to overwhelm even...