The loot? The lucky winners receive an autographed copy of Cool Jew. Each prize also comes with a “No Limit Texas Dreidel” goodie bag filled with a dreidel and temporary tattoos from, CDs from the rappers at Hip Hop Shabbat and singer/songwriter Saul Kaye, kosher nosh from Oakland’s Certified Kosher and samplers of organic EcoTeas. They also win Jewlicious swag! Abundant props to our generous sponsors for these awesome gifts.
The envelope please. Our winners–either divinely inspired or randomly chosen, depending on your spiritual beliefs–are Irena Shakhnovich (Boston, MA, Tufts Alum ’05) and Avishai Weiss (New York, NY, UChicago Alum ’05, Microsoft). Ain’t no Burger King paper crowns for our royalty. Instead, they’re getting insta “snap n’ glow” specs to hip hop their Chanukah. (Or just look like a dork.) Mazal tov!
But that’s not all… Everyone’s a winner at the next Jewlicious Festival. Or almost. A select number of early arrivals to the festival will receive a free copy of Cool Jew. So get yourself to Long Beach and celebrate you, Jew. Until then, check out for videos, press, tour sked, four more sets of prizes in EIGHT DAYS OF GIVEAWAYS and then some… And throw some more happy in your Chanukah.
Wordie. Foodie. Jewie. Nerdie. Ashkefardic keyboard addict. Visit me at, on my travels and in the pages of my books, "Hot Mamalah: The Ultimate Guide for Every Woman of the Tribe," and "Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe."
Wordie. Foodie. Jewie. Nerdie. Ashkefardic keyboard addict. Visit me at, on my travels and in the pages of my books, "Hot Mamalah: The Ultimate Guide for Every Woman of the Tribe," and "Cool Jew: The Ultimate Guide for Every Member of the Tribe."