Since it is banned in Germany, advertising the swatstika is a challenge for young Neo Nazis. As such, Muffti is begrudgingly impressed with the effort it must have taken some young punks to scrape an 8-by-5 metre swastika in a frozen lake right near a runway of Berlin’s Tegel airport. Though not visible from land, it was clearly visible from the air and offered a chilling greeting to travellers all morning.

Using the environment as a billboard is, of course, not a new idea. Not even for neo nazis. 5 years ago, a 60 by 60 metre swatstika was discovered in a forest north of Berlin. In 1937, a local businessman, an ardent follower of Adolf Hitler, planted a 60 by 60 metre area of Larch trees in a forest near the town of Zernikow, about 110 km north of Berlin. The trees were planted in the shape and format of a Swastika and could only be seen from the air. During Autumn, when the Larch trees changed their colour to orange and yellow they stood out strikingly against a green forest of surrounding pine trees. Discovered many years after the war, this long-forgotten symbol of the Nazi era was finally removed by cutting down 27 of the 57 trees that made up the Swastika design.

Water police removed the offensive symbol after a police helicopter spotted it.

Many thanks to Haaretz for providing (most of) the content of this story. Thanks to Kenny for being an ascerbic dick the man to remind us all of the perils and joys of frisking.

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  • See, Kenny, wouldn’t that have been more fun if you left it unattributed and just let whoever was in the know get a laugh well everyone else was just confused?

  • Well now I’ve got some
    Advice for you, little buddy.
    Before you point the finger
    You should know that
    I’m the man.
    And if I’m the man,
    Then you’re the man, and
    He’s the man as well so you can
    Point that fuckin’ finger up your ass.

    (hooker with a penis; tool)

  • yeah um… muff? Can ya add the links on the actual post? Etiquette and legal stuff kinda requires it.

  • Kenny, Muffti thanks you for the links. Now there’s a link to the Haaretz/Reuters story. You happy now? The extra info was Muffti research. Turns out that Haaretz/Reuters got it wrong by a year as well. And stop insulting your dumb readers! Muffti is one of them!

    Josh, Muffti refuses very little. But he forgets a lot and gets lazy even oftener. (Muffti knows that’s not a word coz he looked it up.)

  • Muffti,
    Are you refusing blog ettiquette to at least link to both your stories?

  • haaretz simply reprinted the orignal al-reuters story. but unlike you, haaretz attributed it to al-reuters and reprinted it with permission (and paid for it according to the terms of their newswire agreement). it was the extra info you added about the forest that made me think al-returers ripped it from you. but alas …

    ps – i found another story for you. it may not work on this site, but, in the spirit of this site, i suggest you rewrite it anyway and send it to me via MSN. this way i can post it on my blog for those people who are too dumb to understand the original story.

    this story, however, is just crying for a rewrite.

  • haaretz simply reprinted the al-reuters story. but unlike you, haaretz actually paid for it, attibuted it to al-reuters and reprinted it with permission (newswire agreement). it was the extra info you added about the forest that made me think al-returers ripped it from you. but alas …

    ps – i found another story for you. it may not work on this site, but, in the spirit of this site, i suggest you rewrite it anyway and send it to me via MSN. this way i can post it on my blog for those people who are too dumb to read and understand the original story. 🙂

  • Actually, Kenny, Muffti ripped it off of Haaretz (who may well have ripped it off of al-reuters). Also, he used a site to get the info on the forest with the swastika trees.

  • hey buddy! great rewrite of the al-reuters article! if i didn’t know any better i would have thought al-reuters ripped it off from you!

  • Oh dear, is moving to New York and hanging Swastikas in college club rooms there too passe for them? They need to come up with new ways to express hate? Man, those Nazi-sympathizers are picky.