…um, that blows us all away!!

So, if you have a talent for blowing, this is the competition for you: The Great Shofar Blast-Off!

Are you the best shofar blower in the America?

As anyone who has tried knows, blowing the shofar is no easy task. Who is the Greatest American Shofar Blower? Who produces the clearest sound? The longest note? The most traditionally accurate blast?

The National Jewish Outreach Program wants to find out, and is inviting shofar-blowers from across the country to enter National Jewish Outreach Program’s first-ever “Great Shofar Blast-Off!”

Video-taped entries will be judged based on clarity of sound, accuracy based on Jewish law, length of blast, and overall performance. The contest is open to both professional and amateur shofar-blowers. Five finalists will be selected to participate in the Great Shofar Blast-Off in New York City in September of 2005. The grand prize winner will receive a trip for two to Israel, and potential national media coverage.

That’s right, kids. Dare to dream, and you could be known–internationally–as the best chauffeur shofar blower.

Hey, why aren’t they calling it the Great Shofar Blowoff? And why is there a typo in the opening line? Could they not hire the best proofreader “in the America”? Or is the Manolo their proofreader?

Your tape/DVD/clip should be between 3-5 minutes long and should include a sample of “tekiah,” “shevarim,” “teruah,” “shevarim-teruah” and “tekiah gedolah,” along with your thoughts on the meaning of the shofar and why you blow it. You may also submit an entry by sending a video link and the completed entry form to [email protected].

Wanna blow? Register here.

Esther Kustanowitz

About the author

Esther Kustanowitz

For more posts by Esther, see EstherK.com, MyUrbanKvetch.com and JDatersAnonymous.com.


  • shofar is one of the instruments to anounce the second coming of jesus and to let the prince of this world know that his end is coming, men and women are allow to play it.

  • OMG! This is like the coolest thing ever!! I’m gonna tell all my friends to enter. After all, most of them are full of hot air…

  • I suppose women couldn’t win anyway. What I’m wondering is, can Arabs and Swedish-Iranians register?

  • No, seriously, back to what Chutzpah asked… can women register?

  • This site never gets that raunchy. Folks dont feel comfortable saying Blow Job, Blow Job, Blow Job. It’s not that open a space for one reason many here are identifiably.

  • Afaik, Women blow the shofar in non Orthodox congregations. I am not aware of any design changes that have been made to the Shofar like there is for the Menorah.

  • “accuracy based on Jewish law” – is that the politically correct way of saying “no women allowed”? I’ll spare you the rest of the blowjob comments I’d like to make right now.