Careful with that thing. There are children present.
What do you get when you cross a large group of people supporting terror, several Kassam rockets, and less than perfect explosives handling?

It’s not a joke and it’s not funny. You get 17 dead palestineans and 140 injured ones. You get knee jerk finger pointing at Israel. You get rockets fired at Israel injuring 5. Then you get retaliatory rockets fired at Hamas operatives. And it’s not likely to end there.

Here’s what you DON’T get. You don’t get effective action from the Palestinean Authority. After a 4 hour meeting, they had the following tough words for Hammas:

[The PA] calls on all Palestinian factions to stop all types of military parades and to keep all kinds of weapons out of residential neighborhoods.

Sage advice one would think: keep your weapons and explosives away from kids and the like. However, doing so would allow the IDF easier targetting of weapon storehouses and more importantly, would prevent using civilians as human shields preventing attacks. So, Muffti is guessing that this won’t happen any time soon.

At least the PA had the decency to point some fingers. The Palestinian Interior Ministry issued a statement calling on Hamas: shoulder its responsibility for these … explosions instead of making accusations against others.

Well, that should move them to action. Except that they seem to have gotten over the whole ‘our rockets blew up’ thing and are now threatening revenge for the aforementioned targetted killing. Why dwell on the past? We could sit around all day trying to remember who rocketed who first. But would that really get us anywhere?

In any case, hopefully a lesson has been learned that should have been obvious: Palestinean terror is not only dangerous to Israelis. Parading around massive amounts of explosives and weaponry is a public health hazard.

See Jpost for many more sad details.

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  • Next thing you know you take my thoughts away,

  • Lol Holy wars
    Nice nice
    Brother will kill brother
    Spilling blood across the land
    Killing for religion
    Something I don’t understand

  • can’t say i’m at all suprised. g-d willing no more innocents will die, but in the meantime i really don’t care about ‘Azza until it’s back in Jewish hands and under Yisra’eli control.

  • Um…this wasn’t just a parade that some in attendance brought weapons to. It was a WEAPONS PARADE! The sole purpose of the parade was to parade weapons about. And now I shall go and vomit.

  • Point taken TM, DiGiTaL Disclaimer: DiGiTaL does not support the killing of innocent people no matter how dumb or irresponsible their parents are. And yes TM, I’ve said it here many times in the past. The PA will implode on itself. They’ve created their own problem as well. You have armed factions with the mentalities of five year olds vying for power. The so called authority in PA will not demilatarize them either, and now everyone who “fought” against Israel wants a piece of pie. We must remember the Arabs fight amongst themselves more then they do with the Jews….

  • That’s a good lesson to learn, no doubt. But it doesn’t excuse you being a dick and revelling when kids die.

  • Hmmm…. Parents whats the lesson learned here?? Dont’ let your children attend armed demonstrations, carried out by teenage suicidal terrorists???

  • Now, now, Digital, kids and civilians were killed and injured here. Let’s not wish harm to innocents.

    I still think those Kalashnikovs they’ve smuggled in will end up being used against other Palestinians. Israel is massing troops just outside of Gaza right now, but they would be making a mistake to go in there at this point while the Palestinians are about to “sort out” who is boss.

  • I’m surprised it took this long.. Hopefully more accidents like this will follow, and they’ll simply eliminate themselves..