Hat tip to Israellycool where Dave slyly notes the name of the incensed Maori leader: Dr. Pita Sharples.
- Hawk Tuah Girl Haliey Welch is Not Jewish. Probably. - 8/9/2024
- Jews Blessed by their High Priests - 10/14/2022
- Foolproof Mufletta Recipe & Muflettapalooza / Mimouna Invite! - 3/26/2021
Thank you for every other informative blog.
Tena Koe Hikurangi, me he mihi ana ki a koe me to whanau mo te Tau Hou. i.e. Shana Tovah Hikurangi to you and your mishpochah see you around Beit K’nesset.
Now for all those ignorant twats out there who have missed the mark and are neither Jewish and Maori.
1 x People smoking cigarettes are at greater risk of lung cancer than anyone, Maori/Jew or Pakeha/ Goy.
2 x having an entire race associated with the very thing that is responsible for killing huge proportions of their population sold to them by Pakeha/Goyim would be the same as advertising ‘gas for Jews’. This is in no way intentional to cause offence, just the very point why these marketing strategies are in such poor taste and indefensible, so I apologise for any un-intentional offence caused for this, hopefully you’ll understand and know I mean no offence here.
3 x this is not a Maori vs Jewish thing either, Maori have no issue with Jews, infact they only know what they’re told from the media about Jews which btw is as anti-Israel as it is anti-Maori.
So Chaverim, give it a break already, why the hell do you think they chose to market the cigarettes in Israel and not in New Zealand ? Because they knew it would piss people off here, btw the woman who blew the lid on this in Israel wasn’t Maori herself either, but she got why it was so not the right thing to do.
It’s almost Shabbos, me hoki ana ki toku whare kei te whakatau te Ra Tapu.
Shalom-nui V Gut Shabbos
Uh… where is the picture of the smiling fat Maori – I see nothing like this on the box.
Why is this different from “Tuscan” Olive Oil and “Indian” Incense and “French” perfume?
As if no other nationality or locale was used to give a consumer product a bit of exotic boom-boom.
Why is this different than the “Contadina Tomato Paste” girl or the “Chef Boyardee” chef?
Uh Hikurangi? We thought Maori Mix cigarettes were quite dumb – don’t you read?? And we have nothing against New Zealanders, Maori (I can even pronounce it properly – Mow-di), Goyische or otheerwise. READ!
Just imagine that in a parallel universe, some bright spark in New Zealand gives a brand of cigarettes the name “Jew Blend,” and on the packet, above that text there is a shekel note, maybe some tefillin, or some nicely browned latkes, swaying in the Negev wind. Someone would be posting here, no doubt whinging about how terribly anti-Semitic those Jew-hating goyische New Zealanders are… *yawn*