We here at Jewlicious have liked from day one the boys and girls of the Punks of Zion, a motley assortment of collegiate New York Jews alternating their time between taking over the world and such sundry topics as racism, the potential name of the new subway line and baked goods. I’ve chilled with them, they’re cool kids.
Ruling over the Punks of Zion with an iron fist is Brownsvillegirl, an enigmatic Orthodox Jewess with a fondness for pastry and a profound lust for increasingly hoary ’70s-vintage blues-rock musician Gregg Allman.
And, in addition, someone is in love with her. In fact, not just someone. Brownsvillegirl is the object of desire for none other than the realized hope of 6000 years: the Messiah.
Yes, after 2000 years of suffering, the seed of David has burst into flower and redemption is nigh upon us. And his name? MOSHIAK. But before we can bask in the glorious light of an age of eternal peace, two major obstacles stand in our way:
1) The Messiah has not yet succeeded in wooing his future bride.
2) The Messiah is quite obviously entirely deranged.
In an attempt to bring his light unto the nations, the Messiah/”Moshiak” has established a website, a vessel for the transmission of what he optimistically titles a “Philosophy.” To wit:
You don’t choose to live unless you understand the meaning of life because it is only by way of such knowledge that you realize the importance of life. To understand the value of your life, it is necessary that you understand the meaning of your life. Well, your life is important to you. Indeed, your life is very important to you, which is why you seek knowledge of the meaning of life. The Philosophy is complete self-knowledge, so you don’t know exactly how important your life is until you know the Philosophy. Insofar as you are ignorant of the Philosophy, you undervalue your life and, therefore, you are somewhat self-destructive. That is why it is possible for people to smoke or to commit suicide: they don’t know themselves enough to value themselves enough not to make such self-destructive decisions. Though you may not be a smoker—and though you obviously haven’t committed suicide—there is no question that if you don’t know the Philosophy, you are somewhat self-destructive.
And that’s just one paragraph from the preamble. The entire Philosophy, soon to be followed by The Manifesto, can be read here. Oddly enough, for someone claiming to be the Jewish Messiah, Moshiak seems ignorant of all Jewish texts, as his Philosophy does not reference them (but does borrow a page from the book of noted cranky old Jewess Ayn Rand). And paradoxically, considering his claims that without the Philosophy one is self-destructive, it was only after reading it that I was forced to stave off an overwhelming desire to stick my head in the oven. The Philosophy is distilled as such:
I) Existence exists.
II) Existence must exist.
III) Something must exist for existence to exist.
IV) Something must be a single entity.
V) The single entity is geometry.
Maybe our resident actual philosopher Grandmuffti can parse that. Me, I’m a little disappointed. If all universal world peace entails is geometry, then the highlight of my life was second period, tenth grade and, if that’s true, I might as well just go jump off a bridge.
But when the anointed of David is not ruminating over the universal mysteries, he’s chasing the honeys. After Brownsvillegirl expressed some confusion on her blog as to why the Messiah was sending her e-mails, the Glorious Standard Bearer of the Redemption of Zion professed his feelings:
I hope I’ve inspired you to read my website. The only reason that I’ve spent so much time with you is because if there is any chance that I think you’re intelligent and beautiful, and you’d probably make a good wife and mother. I love women who cook, and who want to have children. I love it. Besides that, you are attractive and intelligent 20 year old with her own blog with all of that knowledge of Torah? I love that, too. It doesn’t matter to me that you live on the other side of the country. When it comes to meeting the person with whom you spend the rest of your life, they could be on the other side of the planet as long as they wind up sleeping in the same bed.
The Messiah is apparently of the John Hinckley school of romance.
To make an already very long story short, Brownesvillegirl spurned the Messiah’s advances, the other Punks mocked The Philosophy, and things got ugly. The Messiah left in a huff, and left an e-mail testament:
Now you really had better get rid of my postings. I have said things that really would anger gentiles. I have basically said that the Jews are better than the gentiles. That could cause mass envy and resentment. When people type “Moshiak” in the Yahoo! search engine, your website is the first to come up. This goes to show you that I am not interested in using your website to advertise my book; I am infinitely more interested in the safety of the Jews. Do you want to start another Holocaust? Then get rid of my postings. I don’t care what you write after that. You can write “99 reasons why I hate Moshiak” for all I care; just get rid of my postings. After that, you should learn the Philosophy.
Thanks a lot, Brownsvillegirl. Way to take one for the team. You made the Messiah cry, and now we’re never gonna get redeemed. When they march me into the gas chamber of Auschwitz: Redux, I’m totally going to blame you.
- God’s JIB Picks. - 5/14/2007
- Amy, Amy, Amy… - 4/28/2007
- Inside the mind of a seminary girl. - 4/21/2007
This is retarded. Seeing as nothing new of any substance has been added of late, I am closing comments on this fascinating (not) post. If you have something to add or want to sound off against my decision, let me know by sending me a message from the contact us section. I just think this post is being used by moshiak to shill his philosophy. Yes. We get it. Thank you. No need to be so damned repetitive.
Miryam was being sarcastic. Don’t fool yourself.
One more thing, Dina. Speak for yourself. What’s this “we” business? You and Encino man? Miryam told me that she no longer thinks I’m a fraud (a claim that is unverified until she reads my book). Ketchup says he’s open for negotiation. Muffti admits that he never really read my book because he’s looking for a job. The smarter people are wisening up to me, and the dumber people are saying “you’re a fraud because you like a Kelly Osbourne song.” I have faith in you, Dina. Some day you will think “gee, maybe I should read his book before telling the world that it doesn’t contain the explanation of the meaning of life.”
“We know you’re a fraud because no one could know the truth about life if they don’t know the truth about Kelly Osbourne songs.”
Wow, that makes a lot of sense. You’re the one who hasn’t heard a Kelly Osbourne song in your life, and I’m the one who has. But you allegedly know the “truth” about Kelly Osbourne songs whereas I don’t. You know what, Dina? This is sad. This is really sad. All that I can say to a girl like you is that you need the Philosophy. Take it or leave it, sweetie. But don’t say the same thing over and over again. Basically, you’re saying “you’re a fraud because you’re a fraud because … you like a Kelly Osbourne song … because you’re a fraud because you’re a fraud.” You and your friends are broken records. Why don’t you and the gang talk amongst yourselves at the Rugelach? Leave me and my book alone.
Dina, Kelly Osbourne songs are SUNG by Kelly Osbourne, they aren’t WRITTEN by Kelly Osbourne. Stop embarrassing yourself.
You haven’t read it, so how can you know that it isn’t an explanation of the meaning of life? Again, stop embarassing yourself.
Dina, you silly and misguided girl. What you need is a father to tell you to read my book. It would be like your first day in school. “Waaaahhhh, I don’t wanna go to school.” And then, after a few months, its “waaahhh, I don’t wanna leave school.” You know what song you should listen to? “Just a Girl” by No Doubt.
I guess that puts my intelligence level on par with yours, y’know, since I haven’t read The Philosophy but I do read your blog.
Two more things:
Moshiak, We know you’re a fraud because no one could know the truth about life if they don’t know the truth about Kelly Osbourne songs. Although I can’t really say much about them, as I have yet to listen to one. Which is kind of like my relationship to your Philosophy. Haven’t read it, but I know it’s just wrong.
Aaaaaaaaaand Moshiak, I’m glad to see that you’re finally taking the time to google these Jewish phrases we use when speaking to you. Perhaps you should take some of Laya’s advice and stop by a library while you’re out to pick up a book on Jewish philosophy.
Oh yeah, you’re in California. I’m stuck in icy-cold New York where I don’t want to leave my house for fear of the ridiculous weather. Why don’t you go outside and stay out as long as possible for all of us who can’t? Thanks.
Yeah, that’s a better idea: just forget about the cross. It doesn’t matter.
I’m confused. No, seriously. I’m confused. I’m also shallow: shallow enough to pretend that Moshiak hasn’t discovered the meaning of life even though I haven’t read his book. And how stupid can I be for thinking that he hasn’t discovered the meaning of life just because he likes a song by Kelly Osbourne. I must admit: I’m no Einstein. Actually, I’m a little stupid. I have a blog that no one reads. I have no significant achievements to speak of besides having my own blog. So I get my kicks from trying to discredit Moshiach – not by reading his book – but by saying “he’s a fraud, Mack” in a hundred different. “You’re a fraud, Mack, because you like a song by Kelly Osbourne” or “you’re a fraud, Mack, because … well … because you like a song by Kelly Osbourne.” I haven’t read the man’s book, but I envy him. Guys like him make guys like me look stupid. So I go out of my way to say that he hasn’t discovered the meaning of life, including the nature of the universe and the nature of the mind. And how do I know? Because I haven’t read his book. That’s how I know.
In conclusion, I hate arrogance, vanity, and foods that lack garlic. And I’m a liberal who reads Slate. You know, I’m cool. I’m a real cool guy. And there is absolutely no way in hell that I will sacrifice my coolness to some guy with a brain. That’s the way it was in elementary school, and that’s the way it will be in adulthood, if you can call this adulthood. Would my life be better off if I were to read the guy book, and show the guy the respect he deserves? Yeah, but I have my head shoved pretty far up the incinerator, and there ain’t nothin’ that I can do about it. Maybe some day things will be different. But not today. Today I’m a man on a mission. Aaron versus … Aaron.
Thank you for your attention.
To whom it may concern, I recommend putting the Search box right where the cross is such that it is symmetrical with the Main Menu box, then move the Stuff box down so that the bottom of the box is even with the bottom of the Recent Comments box. Then move the Archives box up so that the top is even with the Jewish blogs box. Then move the JMatch box below the Archives box. Then we could see the full effect of the picture of the girl without seeing the cross, and everything would be symmetrical. I don’t know if it’s the perfect solution, but try it and see if you like it.
This is what I found about your terms, cutsie pie:
“Ahavas Yisrael is the term used to describe the commandment to love a fellow Jew. Implied is that there are two separate entities, the lover and the beloved, and the imperative is that the intensity of the love between them should be on the level of “as you love yourself.”
Achdus Yisrael is the term used to describe the reason why one Jew can truly love another “as yourself,” because in essence, they are one.[1]”
I understand this. Good thinking, cutsey pie.
What ever happened to Achavat Yisroel and Achdus?
After some extensive research… the track about Moshiach (No.3) can be ‘eard at:
and while ur at it, check out the
and try to.. bring back the love and harmony brothers and sistas…
There’s a song about Moshiach…
I heard it just the other day…
Is by some jewish reggae artist .. but not Matisyahu..
Another one…
Help Moshiak Laya by forcing him to get out an get an ice cream, see a movie, find his foreskin, or whatever….
Laya, the word is spelled “absurd.” Just thought I’d be an idiot for you.
moshiak, I have edited your comments to be more reflective of the way you should post – in one post, although perhaps you should refrain from posting when you have nothing of substance to say. You are being absurd. Consider this a warning against being an idiot.
Hey, laya, you should learn the meaning of life. You know why? The answer can be found at http://www.moshiak.com.
I like that SONG; I don’t like Kelly Osbourne. Don’t misrepresent me.
Harry, you should go to http://www.moshiak.com and learn the meaning of your life.
What a joke! What a bunch of children! I can’t believe the immaturity. I say I like a song by Kelly Osbourne, and that’s supposed to mean that I’m not Moshiach. Guess what: I’M A HUMAN BEING. I like art, too. I explain the nature of art in my lectures. What a bunch of confused Jews!
Hey, laya. You work here, don’t you? Terrific. You should learn the meaning of your life. By the way, the girl on the front page is wearing a cross. Don’t you think she should be wearing a star of David?
Ok, Moshiak, now that I know you are a Kelly Osbourne fan I can conslusively say that you are most definately NOT the moshiach. Get laid dude.
umm, moshiak, try saying everything you want to say in one post, k? there’s no need for this triple posting. Also, try getting away from the computer sometimes, go outside, eat an ice cream, watch a movie. It might do you good.
Aaron, I don’t know what you mean by your comment, but if you somehow infer that I HAVEN’T discovered the meaning of life because I like that song, then you’re just plain stupid.
My true colors? I don’t get it.
LoL…Your true colors now shine. I’m over this. See you in the next post…Oh you know who’s good? Yeah, Matisyahu…
Another damn good music video is Sweet Surrender by Sarah McLachlan.
Kelly Osbourne’s mother – Sharon Osbourne – is a Jew, which makes Kelly Osbourne a Jew in my book. As you may or may not know, Sharon Osbourne is Ozzy Osbourne’s manager. She’s a smart lady, but she should’ve married a Jew.
Want to hear a good song? Go to http://www.launch.com and listen/watch One Word by Kelly Osbourne. I really like that song/music video. The only lyrics that I don’t like in the song is “silence tells me all I need to know.” That should be replaced with “and it tells me all I need to know” because it’s contradictory. And “one lie tells a thousand stories” should be replaced with “one book tells a thousand stories.” Other than that, the song is very good.
Sorry, not “existing foreskin”…damn typos…I mean…you know what I mean.
I will never stop plugging the Philosophy because I’m not a fraud. Maybe if I were only out to make a buck, I could just switch to Wall Street or medicine or law, but the job of Moshiak is infinitely more rewarding.
Not surgery. You don’t need surgery. In fact, that’s the bad way to do it. Just use your existing foreskin. I’m serious (as usual). Research it.
When you find yourself a wife, (or come semi-close to it without soliciting strangers into flying across the country) will you stop plugging your P, relationship advice, foreskin recovery surgeries, and everything else?
Here comes another essay by God.
I like you, too, Dina. You’re a good girl. And when you find yourself a husband, give him the same message that I give to Miryam’s husband.
Okay, that was just a gratuitous link, Moshiak…spam, anyone?
Awww, TM. 🙂
Moshiak, a moment doesn’t go by without me reading something you’ve written. This could, of course, just be because you write a lot. But that’s the way it is.
Myriam, I didn’t see comment 142 until now. If you say that you think it is a very bad decision to assume that I am a fraud, then I appreciate that. And as for the part where you speak of marrying a nice Jewish boy and making nice Jewish babies, you don’t understand how much that means to me, to hear a woman as well-adjusted as you speak of making Jewish babies. I wish you and your husband the best. Send the following message to your husband (or to-be husband). “Moshiak wishes your marriage to Miryam the best, and advises you to restore your foreskin so that you and Miryam can have a more pleasant experience.” See, Moshiak has a lot of knowledge. =)
Dina, I know that you’re being sarcastic, but as long as your read what I write, I would be happy to respond to what you write.
Hey! I enjoy having you here. It will be especially pleasant now that the
nutbarguy with the book is gone.Well now, what’s the point of writing if The Moshiak isn’t going to read it? My life as a blogger and Jewlicious commenter might as well be over.
Farewell, all. 🙁
Dina, your problem is that you don’t even read what I write, so I’m not going to respond to what you write.
I said that just to see if you were still with us. For all the stalkers and creeps and pedophiles that are after you, I was worried.
miryam did not make a mistake. she meant to say what she said exactly as she said it. Don’t put words in my mouth.
I was simply saying that when you point out a particular flaw, you will be scrutinized in that area and so pointing out a typo of another is stupid when your very own typings are fraught with them.
As for your ignorance, Miryam’s statement wasn’t misleading…that is, if you understand what “chatan” means. Which you, apparently, do not.
Miryam made a mistake. She didn’t mean to say that for all I know she’s a shiksa, she meant to say that for all I know her man is a Jew.
Miryam speaks of “creepiness.” No, Miryam, it was never my intention to fly you out to California, rape you, kill you, then dispose of your corpse. But as someone who pretends that I am a stalker and a pedophile, I would expect this from you.
I don’t thionk Dina was patronizing you, but rather assuring you that you can now sleep at night knowing I will be marrying a nice Jewish boy and making nice Jewish babies. As for the decisions I make including and aside from the ones in “that department,” I don’t think you can be a very good judge as to whether or not they are good or bad as you don’t know me…unless you are refering to my decision to assume you are a fraud. Of course that is a very bad decision.
Muffti, take your time. Find yourself a job, get yourself an income, and read yourself the Philosophy.
It’s not that I put words in your mouth; it’s that I’m not a master of slang, nor do I care to be.
Ketchup, is that you? I thought you were some Israeli headcase in his sixties talking about “those were the days.”
Yes, ketchup, let’s bridge the divide.
1. The Philosophy IS graspable by everyone who actually READS it. That’s the kicker: to UNDERSTAND the book, you actually have to READ the book. I know I may be going over your head here, but work with me. (Forgive the biting nature of my sarcism.)
2. By “simple,” you mean graspable, so you merely repeat yourself when asking “shouldn’t THE philosophy be boiled down to a few simple truths?” Again, the answer is not only that it SHOULD, the answer is that it IS.
3. You’re not dumb. Don’t pretend that I pretend tht you are. As stated previously, in my opinion, you are the second smartest guy to have posted on Dina’s blog. One of the things that I like about you were always open to discussion. That is in contrast to Aaron or Miryam or Dina who are perversely content with the pretense that I am a fraud, though I am optimistic enough to appreciate that Aaron has been toning down his friendly fire.
4. What is the meaning of life according to my philosophy? Are you referring to my PHILOSOPHY OF PHILOSOPHY, or are you referring to my PHILOSOPHY? My philosophy of philosophy is stated on the front page of my website (which is the introduction to the book) as well as within the book itself, and my philosophy is stated in the Philosophy. So if you want to know the POINT of the possession of knowledge of the meaning of your life, the best place to start is the front page of my website, though – to be sure – an the best explanation is found in the book.
5. My conclusion for your is my conclusion for Dina. I would also add that you should read the introduction to the book because it is there that you will find WHY man has been searching for the meaning of life since the birth of man.
Muffti didn’t give much consideration; in fairness, it’s pretty long and Muffti is currently trying to get a job. Anyhow, Muffti knows that there is a difference between a ‘typo’ and a ‘mispelling’. However, Muffti is failing to see why the difference is relevant.
Anyhow, Muffti meant that you are trip not because you are arrogant (but thanks for putting words in the Muffti’s mouth. Come to think of it, though, that is kind of arrogant!) Check Urban Dictionary for appropriate definitions.
1. Dina, you are still silly. I said it once and I’ll say it again. I am honest with others, and I appreciate it when others are honest with me, so how does your pointing out MY misspellings invalidate my pointing out YOUR misspellings? It doesn’t. I appreciate it when others correct me, and you should appreciate it when I correct you. Though I am willing to be corrected, you are obviously not. You still haven’t read my book, and that is a problem that you still need to correct.
2. I thought you made a misspelling, not a typo. So I wasn’t “harping on a typo,” I was harping on a misspelling. I don’t say anything about other people’s typos, if I believe that they are typos.
3. Let me say it again. In my book, a half-Jew is a Jew. I don’t care about the Jewish tradition whereby someone is a Jew if they are born to a Jewish mother or if they convert. When I referred to Ian being a Jew, I referred to Ian being a member of the Jewish race, not a member of the Jewish religion. I couldn’t care less about the rules and regulations of the Jewish religion.
4. I always proposed that Myriam’s guy is a gentile; I never stated it UNTIL the last paragraph, but that is only because she misled me. She said “for all you know I’m a shiksa,” which implies that her marriage would be appropriate if she is a gentile, which implies that her man is a gentile. So you make a futile attempt to patronize me by revealing that the guy is a Jew. By the way, good for Miryam. In that department, she makes the right decision.
5. In conclusion, you are still misguided, and you will always be misguided until you READ the Philosophy (and not SKIM the Philosophy).
and I would like to point out that moshiak is neither arrogant nor delusional. hes sad and lonely and pretends his philosophy has meaning so that he can feel confident enough to argue on its behalf. And for the record, Im sure the muffti gave your philosophy every ounce of consideration that it deserves. Which is not that much to be honest.
but enough of the attack. heres an opportunity to explain yourself. Im opening up the door to conversation right here. As an actual philosophy for everyone, the Philosophy should be graspable by everyone, should it not? and if so, and far be it from me to call it simple or small, but shouldnt you be able to boil it down to a few universal truths? I would think so, or it really cant be THE Philosophy can it? So please explain to me, a dumb ol’ ketchup boy, what the simple truth is. What is the meaning of life according to your philosophy? whats the point? What is your breakthrough that you so proudly discovered that makes you the moshiach? please answer this, oh wise one. maybe then we can bridge the divide that has formed between you and… well everyone youv ever spoken to.
Moshiak, Aaron wrote “aisle.” You have no excuse to have misspelled the word in the next comment.
Also, being a half-Jew doesn’t make someone necessarily a Jew. Which is the case with Ian. If his “half-Jewish” part were maternal, he wouldn’t be converting.
Well, Moshiak, it seems to me that you’ve only skimmed the comments in the manner with which I skimmed your “Philosophy.” Please see comment 114 for further explanation. Also, my friend Miryam–the one I’ve been close with since second grade–is marrying a wonderful Jewish guy because they’re in love. So drop it.
I’d also like to point out that there are misspelled, extraneous, and/or missing words in most of your comments, so harping on others’ typos is ridiculous.
Why not, Mack? The isle seat is the best, especially when you have long legs.
The first axiom of your philosophy is “I’m confused.” The other axioms are derivatives of the first, though I must admit I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “Dina’s sweet.” I think you have a little equivocation going on in your “philosophy.”
I must be mad, I delayed my trip to Israel.It is a very unusual move, brought on by misgivings about leaving the family for so long.
What fun compares to one’s family?
Word up to all the hotties in Budapest.
And MoshiaK, if you are the all-redeeming Messiah, there aint no way in hell I’m getting on an eagle’s back and take the aisle seat, let alone fly with you.
Here’s my Philosophy, chief.
I’m confused. Dina’s sweet. You’re nuts.
Word up to all the hotties in Budapest.
And MoshiaK, if you are the all-redeeming Messiah, there aint no way in hell I’m getting on an eagle’s back and take the aisle seat, let alone fly with you.
Here’s my Philosophy, chief.
I’m confused. Dina’s sweet. You’re nuts.
Do we have any Welsh bloggers out there? Welsh men are my favorite.
she doesn’t know the difference?!?!?! See, as my friend ben says, you irish are like hobbits… only angry.
First off, I am Scottish, NOT Irish. The two are very different. I play the bagpipes and I can use the word “Ongepotchket” in a sentence.
Guys don’t care one bit if a woman is taller than they are. It’s the women who care.
But what are we to do about the student loans? People can’t afford each other. We must adjust our expectations. And silence our materialistic, unrealistic parents. Rebel a little.
There is a difference between a typo and a misspelling. Second, how would it make me a “trip” if I also misspelled a word? I’ll answer that for you. You pretend that I’m arrogant, and that it would somehow bruise my ego. Well, I’m not arrogant, so I prefer it when people are honest with me. By the way, Muffti, I’m glad to hear that you read my response to your “critique,” and that you have since reconsidered the Philosophy. Of course, I’m being sarcastic. It’s obvious that you never gave my book the consideration that it deserves in the first place. You should.
http://www.shalomireland.com/ shalom ireland.
hahaha… Grandmuffti, you’re a trip. You criticized someone’s spelling and mispelled a word yourself. It’s ‘mispelled’, not ‘mispelt’… whoops, never mind.
Damn commonwealth’ers… 🙂
i only bring up the irish-jewish thing for my non-observadox friend, who won’t read this anyway.
misspelled. we should all go back to school.
hahaha…Moshiak, you’re a trip. You criticized someone’s spelling and mispelt the first word of the sentence. It’s ‘fourth’, not ‘forth’.
Ian is a half-Jew? In my book, that makes him a Jew.
Allow me to fill you in, X.
Moshiak is still delusional, but now we know that he’s taller than Ian (the 6′5″ half-Irish, half-Jewish kid who wears a yarmulke and is going to convert), would very much like to fly Miryam out to California to “proove†that he’s taller than Ian, doesn’t take a single bit of advice from Grandmuffti The Philosopher, wants Shabtai Xvi to shut up because he hasn’t read the book, will not pay for Encino Yeled to come to New York, and wants to marry Cutey Pie (his groupie). Oh, and I have too much time on my hands.
Dina, whereas Miryam is a silly woman, you are a silly girl. First, do you know what the word “delusional” means? What you mean to say is that I’m arrogant. False. I really have discovered the meaning of life, and I really do explain it in my book. That is my sole contention, regardless of whether people want to call me “Moshiach.” Second, I would very much NOT like to fly Miryam out to California, and I never did. Third, anyone who hasn’t read my book has absolutely no reason to claim that I am a fraud. Forth, the word is spelled “prove.” Fifth, you don’t have too much time on your hands. You can never have too much time on your hands.
Dina, all the available Jewish men are 5’6 and under, so that’s probably what JM was referring to. That a tall Jewish girl in kitty heels will tower over the prospective husbands and emasculate them.
(I wonder if Dina likes people who talk in the third person. I wonder if talking in the third person takes up a lot of bandwith. I wonder what I should eat for lunch. Oh, who has time. I’ll just get some icecream downstairs from the machine. I wish it was a little old lady selling icecream but it’s just a machine. Oh well. Gotta go now.)
Miryam, did you know that you have a Jewish name? Just wanted to point that out to you.
“stop worrying about my chatan. for all you know I’m a shiksa, so cut it out.”
With all that knowledge of Hebrew? You’re a Jew, and what I know or don’t know doesn’t change that. You shouldn’t marry a gentile.
“…and as for the “thought I was too mature in my age,†I’m really surprised your superior intelligence could not see that entire comment was sarcastic.”
I knew it was sarcastic, you silly woman. I was pointing out that it was crap anyway.
“…there are not many people I know who would settle at my age.”
You shouldn’t have settled at your age because you haven’t found the right man.
“And if they did, it is very unlikely they would tell complete strangers about it on a well read blog, especially, when there is a good chance the man she is marrying will see it and get hurt.”
Sure, I’m a “complete stranger.” You’re doing everything in your power to disqualify me and my opinions. You’re in denial, sweetie.
“And as for NOT flying me out to California, I’m surpriseed you don’t see the creepyness in a guy offering a girl a free ticket to see him just to prove his height- especially over the internet.”
Gee, with all of your genius, Miryam, surely you saw the sarcasm in it. You silly woman, I was flirting with you. Get over yourself.
“You’re beginning to sound more like a pedophile than just a plain old delusional false meshiach.”
Double trouble? First you display your banal ignorance by being so cock sure that I’m a “plain old delusional false meshiach,” then you really display an ignorance that even some of these people wouldn’t have by entertaining the possibility that I am a pedophile. With all that you know about me, you have no clue as to how old I am. Well, let’s see. Could I be in my 60’s? 50’s? 40’s? Let me tell you this, Miryam. I’m in my early 20’s. In other words, I’m old enough to be your husband without being a “pedophile.” But I assure you: that is something that will never come to fruition.
Thanks Grandmuffti. 🙂
X, I don’t know what it is with you Irish Jew-lovers, but my Irish friend (no, real Irish, not Irish-American) just asked me about conversion.
Also, Jewish Mother, it is good to be tall–what do you mean?
And I would also like to state that the “proove” I wrote was a slip of the finger (I know it’s prove), just I didn’t catch it because I had just woken up.
Dina, that was the most awesome exectutive summary of all time. CK, can we hire her to sum up the dialectics of very long posts?
woah, wait, there is a half-irish half-jewish kid? I would like to spend a minute reminding all the jewish women out there what a good combo that is: http://wetmen.provocateuse.com/images/photos/paul_newman_03.jpg
interesting in making some McJews… call me.
I really love the philosopy line of skincare, bath & fragrance, hair and makeup products. Their overnight exfoliating foot cream called “soul owner” is awesome. The Shampoos and Conditioners smell great and give you a little something to read when you are in the tub. Moshiak, maybe you can partner with them to have them put your book on a product. I think it would be especially useful and marketable if printed on toilet paper.
It is not good to be tall. It is good to have no student loans. But everybody has student loans. In debt for life to the company store. Can’t afford marriage or children. Oy.
duh. welcome to the party christian.
Allow me to fill you in, X.
Moshiak is still delusional, but now we know that he’s taller than Ian (the 6’5″ half-Irish, half-Jewish kid who wears a yarmulke and is going to convert), would very much like to fly Miryam out to California to “proove” that he’s taller than Ian, doesn’t take a single bit of advice from Grandmuffti The Philosopher, wants Shabtai Xvi to shut up because he hasn’t read the book, will not pay for Encino Yeled to come to New York, and wants to marry Cutey Pie (his groupie). Oh, and I have too much time on my hands.
ok, i stopped reading at comment, ummmmmmmm…. maybe 30. What the hell is going on? is the moshiak still a nut job.
the girl on the front page is not a jew.
I think we’re getting somewhere. Moshiak has agreed that he is not THE Moshiac, descended from King David that Jews have been waiting for. He has said that he doesn’t even see that Moshiac would be Jewish necessarily, so how could he descend from David? So, whatever he is (and I’m inclined to agree with Miryam, but whatever) he ISN’T what we’re all waiting for. Excellent, we’re all clear.
Oh, and another thing…
You have to stop blaming the fact that we dont want to read to read your The P. on ignorance. I assure you, its from a position of knowledge that no one reads your “awesome work of staggering genius” or whatever.
Hey M-dog,
Callin it “the P.” to reach that hip, snarky, younger crowd? It aint working. You’re still full of it and quite frankly, saying “No, im not” doesnt really act as a proper rebuttle. Neither is defending your philosophy by saying “uh-huh, it is.” Its still silly, no matter how much you beg to differ. and thats not my opinion. thats public opinion.
P.S. wanna pay for ME not to came to Ca? I was gonna be there in January, but an all-expense paid trip to florida works too.
stop worrying about my chatan. for all you know I’m a shiksa, so cut it out. and as for the “thought I was too mature in my age,” I’m really surprised your superior intelligence could not see that entire comment was sarcastic. there are not many people I know who would settle at my age. And if they did, it is very unlikely they would tell complete strangers about it on a well read blog, especially, when there is a good chance the man she is marrying will see it and get hurt. And as for NOT flying me out to California, I’m surpriseed you don’t see the creepyness in a guy offering a girl a free ticket to see him just to prove his height- especially over the internet. You’re beginning to sound more like a pedophile than just a plain old delusional false meshiach.
Cutsey pie, tell me through http://www.moshiak.com.
And whom would that be, cutsey pie?
Public relations? As if to say that what I say is false; some sort of a PR “front.” Not so, Mack. You can say that “I’m full of it” in a hundred different ways, and the truth remains…”I’m confused.” The cure for confusion is http://www.moshiak.com.
My dear Moshiak… I know ONE woman who would not reject you for the crime of Virtue…and who values intellegence and wisdom in a man…..
And only the muffti calls me EY. It’s a nickname reserved for non-messianic types.
Dina, this post could be in the top 5!
still lovin how you drop the PR every comment 🙂 And I just lost 50 bucks…TO MYSELF
Can somebody tell me why the girl who is praying to Hashem on the front of Jewlicious is wearing a cross instead of a star of David?
Dina, ADD isn’t a real mental disorder, but stupidity is. That is not to say that you are stupid. I said it once and I’ll say it again: you’re a smart girl. Difficulty concentrating could be a symptom of intelligence just as much as stupidity. In fact, you could be intelligent in one part of your brain and stupid in another, thereby giving making you a candidate for the so-called Attention Deficit Disorder. Notice the equivocation that is made in the definition of ADD between intelligence and stupidity. In fact, modern psychiatry is fraught with equivocation, because the field is fraught with fools. Objective science (or medicine) is impossible without the P.
EY, you should’ve just put a period after the words “I’m confused.”
Miryam, after that comment, I would pay for you NOT to fly to California. The only thing I have to say to you is that he better be a Jew. What are you, like 20 years old? Don’t give me this “you thought you were too mature in your age” crap. You can get a divorce tomorrow and settle down with a man of your own race, if in fact he isn’t. In fact, that is exactly what you should do if the guy is a goy. That’s all I have to say to you.
Trying what?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nooooo, I was responding to Aaron’s “I’ll throw down 50 that he’s gonna write the words “The Philosophy” in his next comment…”
and Dina, I’m trying
why would Ian tell me you’re taller? Why would I care enough to fly out to the west coast to verify that? and why would you pay for a ticket to prove to a stranger that you’re tall? This is all getting too creepy for me.
Can we raise that to 100?
I’m confused how you inferred that muffti. If he says who he says he is (which he isn’t, sadly) then hell, can you imagine the God Options you’d get out that venture?
:::Suddenly amused that this post is blossoming into Moshiak’s very own JDate/Personals profile:::Best of luck to ya.
I’ll throw 50 down that he’s gonna write the words “the Philosophy” in his next comment…
If the woman is smart enough and wise enough, I have a chance with her. The wiser the woman, the better the chance that I have with her. But if she reads my book and listens to my lectures (both of which are indispensible), I wouldn’t need “chance” to succeed with the woman because she values intelligence and wisdom in a man as much as she should. That is not to say that the mind is the only factor of consideration; the body is also important. I consider that, too.
Muffti, I have no illusions about my chances with women. Before I read your remark, I was thinking about this very thing. That women would reject me for the crime of virtue is an example of the evil in this world, and why it needs the Philosophy.
EY, you calling Muffti a woman?
Muffti, you mean you read the book and aren’t dying to jump into bed with the Messiah?
So is it the women that have to read the book in order for you to have a shot with them? Coz Muffti’s gotta tell you, you’ll be a lonely man…
Yes, there is a typo in D.
Muffti’s beginning to like Moshiak. This he was curious, is there a typo in D:
Mosiak has to read Moshaik’s book to have a shot with women?
A) I don’t propose to convince anyone that I am Moshiach before they read my book.
B) I don’t propose to convince people that my philosophy has substance before they read my book.
C) I don’t propose to convince people that I am remotely as intelligent as Einstein before they read my book.
D) I don’t propose that I have a shot with women before I read my book.
E) By your own admission, you haven’t read my book, so shut the fuck up.
Ok, hes belligerant again so here comes the pain.
Firstly, your definition of what a messiah is, has absolutely no bearing,whatsoever, on what the definition of the word is or isnt. You are entirely inconsequential when it comes to that. As am I. As is anyone that I have ever met. Regardless of your actual lack of philosophy, your saying so does not make you messiah. Additionally, im not aware of ANY definition of the messiah as being ” the man who discovers the meaning of life and communicates that to the people.” Thats pretty much your own definition but is sounds vaguely Christian in origin as well. All that is aside from the continuously broght up point that your philosophy happens to be bargain-basement, rhetorical, drivel. I wish you would stop hiding behind the defense of ” But you haven’t even read my book. So who the hell are you to say that I am a fraud?” I never finished reading that first Patterson novel that I began a few years ago because it sucked from the get-go. I dont need to go through 250 some-odd pages to THEN determine what I knew from the begining. Its crap, as is your so-called “philosophy.” The crappiness is everywhere. That is not a property; rather it is the sum of all properties of the Philosphy. But now I will get into the property of crappiness. And what is that property? lack of philosophy. Im still looking. Its not there. Your book is to philosophy what pop radio is to music. It borrows a lot of the concepts, but theres no real shining gems. I appreciate your circular-logic, but anyone with an intelligence quotient of over 75 who is bored enough to read your GroundBreakingWorkOfGenius.pdf will know, you dont make any points. Great. Something is a property. The point of life is to exist,and be productive. ive heard this before and I think it was in a chicken soup for the soul.
The point is, if you wanna continue with this fun little game for kicks and giggles then go ahead. But if you think your convincing anyone that
A) your the messiah
B) your philosophy has substance
C) your even remotely as intelligent as Einstein
or D) you have a shot with any of these girls…
well Id just like to stop you now out of pity. I do find it clever that you blame your lack of “game” on righteousness when we know that you dont have any of either. But hey, maybe denial is part of the Philosphy as well. i wouldnt know. I didnt read it.
Wouldn’t the real mashiach have been able to get a better domain name?
Right there, my friend, is evidence of your average-ness.
No, actually it makes perfect sense, Shmuel. As the Messiah, my values are quite different from those of the people that surround me, including the women. Thus, there is bound to be friction between us. You know a false Messiah when he’s charming. When a man can easily charm the ladies, you know that he’s full of it because how could he be morally superior? A man who is truly morally superior is hated by the people that surround him…sort of like you. I get hostility from people like you because my values clash with yours. So what am I to expect of the women? They too would be disturbed by my superior values…that is, until they learn the meaning of life. That’s why I say to the women: learn the Philosophy so that you aren’t offended by virtue.
By the way, Shmuel. Even worse than a false Messiah is a man who claims that the real Messiah is false. What about me makes me a false Messiah? According to my definition of the word, the Messiah is the man who discovers the meaning of life and communicates that to the people. Saving the Jews is a byproduct of that because anti-Semitism is immoral, and a virtuous people wouldn’t practice it. All of the religious baggage that is associated with that word is not a part of my definition, which is the best definition. For example, according to my definition of Messiah, the Messiah needn’t be a Jew. Incidentally, I am Jewish. But if I were Aryan, and if I were to have discovered the meaning of life, then I would still be the Messiah. Having established how I define the word, for you to say that I am not Moshiach is for you to say that I have not discovered the meaning of life. But you haven’t even read my book. So who the hell are you to say that I am a fraud? What cynical and pessimistic view of human nature leads you to believe that man is so stupid that Albert Einstein has the last word in the nature of the universe. You know what? I’m smarter than Einstein, and my book proves it. In every forum that I have encountered, it has been my experience that I speak to a bunch of immature and disrespectful children, all of whom are eager to pretend that I am full of myself, none of whom have read my book. Now do you Jews want to wait until the rapidly-growing neo-Nazi movement in this country kills you, or do you want to take two minutes of your life to give the front page of my website serious consideration?
I’m used to psychomissionary nonsense and false messiahs…
but a guy with worse skills at hitting on women than me?
That’s just freaking UNBELIEVEABLE.
Oh Moshiak, you never mentioned that you’re tall! Are you dark haired, too? Because if you are, I’ll lovingly forgive you and take you back.
Cutsey pie, you wouldn’t happen to be sarcastic, would you?
Sorry, Mack. No can do.
And if she would like to fly out to California to verify that, I would pay for her ticket.
Could you fly ME out to New York to visit some friends?
I do have intentions… Moshiak….I cant PROMISE that… they’re goode…But I will asure you.. they are not malicious.
Sorry, that’s 48 centimeters.
Doesn’t anyone here want a pair of 48-inch waist pants? I’m too tall for them. The pants are worn by the members of the IDF; I got them at Zahal.org; mint condition. Email me through my website and I’ll send them to you free of charge.
Cutsey pie, if your intentions are good, thank you.
Ian, tell your friend Myriam that I’m taller than you. And if she would like to fly out to California to verify that, I would pay for her ticket.
Now wait just a tick! It is clearly stated that since Moshiak is to be descended from King David. As we all know, King David was short. He had to slay Goliath, who biblical scholars think was probably about 6 1/2 or 7 feet tall, and his being so small is a major part of the story. Now, granted, he was a kid at the time, but still, he was clearly small. I am 6’5″ If your many great grandfather was so small, where’d your genes come from?
My dear Moshiak…
I didnt mean.. better luck.. to you. I ment to him. I wouldnt insult you.. I just ment..For some reason.. he was after the ULTIMATE REJECTION.. for some (mother related) reason. You do not need LUCK to find a wife.. just DIVINE PROVIDENCE… i wish you Hatzlacha..(success)
Miryam, I bet you that I’m taller.
Okay, let’s see how many things the Muffti can teach me. Says the Muffti…
“Ok, Muffti read some of the other words and they didn’t illuminate the 5 axoims very much. In particular, there is some massive equivocation going on: the universe is a thing (or collection of things) while existence seems to be a property so Muffti can’t see how it isn’t mere conceptual confusion to identify. So in particular, Muffti doesn’t understnad what it is to say that existence exists, other than that existence is self-instantiating. But if that is true, why is there a requirement that some other independant entity exist in order that existence exists? Furthermore, Why there should have to be locations, thought of as points, is a mystery…there are lots of pointless topologies all of which seem perfectly possible (and which there is some rather highly theoretical arguments to think might be true.)”
Says I…
Muffti read “some of the other words”? That doesn’t sound like he took the time to read the book properly. Indeed, I guarantee you that he didn’t. But let’s get down to the details of Muffti’s pseudo-critique.
1. Existence is everything. That is not a property; rather it is the sum of all properties. But then I get into the property of existence. And what is that property? Something. The whole is essentially something. There is no equivocation. Something is the property. By the way, an equivocation is a derogatorily ambiguous use of language. For example, an equivocation on the word “freedom” could be an ambiguity between freedom as capitalism and freedom as anarchy. It would be derogatory because freedom should not be defined as anarchy. However, it isn’t necessarily bad for there to be ambiguity in language. In fact, there is always ambiguity in language, and it is accepted because it is what makes langauge usable. For example, there is ambiguity as to what is meant by “can.” Do you mean a can of soup, or do you refer to possibility? How the word is defined depends on the context in which the word is used. In the case of the word “existence,” it evolves throughout the text. After all, it is the purpose of the text to define the word. What is existence? We begin with the most basic definition, and we proceed to an understanding of the nature of the universe.
2. Existence exists means that existence exists. It does not speak of the self-motivated nature of existence. In other words “existence exists” is the statement THAT existence exists; it is not the statement WHY existence exists. That is found in the second axiom – existence must exist – and in the explanation of that axiom, of course.
3. You ask “why is there a requirement that some other independent entity exist?” You don’t understand. Existence is nothing unless it is something. “Existence” is not a word unless it refers to an entity. And why do you call it an “independent” entity? It’s just an entity. Hence, the third axiom that “something must exist for existence to exist.”
4. There’s no such thing as a “pointless topology.” You obviously didn’t read the book carefully enough – nor reflect upon the book well enough – to gain the realization that everything is divisible into points. Whether we speak of an idea or a thing, everything is divisible into points.
Conclusion: read the book, don’t skim the book. Read it with the intention of understanding it; not with the intention of portraying me as a fraud. The only person who loses in that game is you, for though you may succeed in getting others to think me a fraud, you fail to learn the meaning of your life, which is the ultimate goal of such games.
um, Moshiak? Just want to make you aware of the fatc that Ian is in fact a man. A very tall and very smart man. The husband thing was in quotes because it’s a joke amongst his friends. just letting you know…
There. I just changed the website because of the sarcastic commments of one “Jim R.” Anybody else want to inspire me? I’m all ears. My goal is to teach the common man the meaning of life; I can’t do that without feedback.
To Encino Yeled, let me say it again…
…let it be known that the man hasn’t even read my book, and if he has he needs to read it again…this time with the intention of understanding it. The man hates me and he would love to misreprent me and my book.
Further, how many times do I have to tell people that I accept private correspondence if they have questions about the Philosophy.
Yeah, I have a real good “shtick,” Jobber. It’s called being the Messiah. And no, I will not teach Torah. Judaism is a less complete and metaphorical understanding of the Philosophy.
Now that I have discovered the meaning of life, we all have more time trying to get laid? You misinterpret the front page of my website, Jim R. You just read the front page…you didn’t read the book. Further, you misinterpreted it. But I appreciate that you reveal this to me, because it inspires me to change it. “Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.”
I have been searching for the meaning of life, spending valuable time no it. I for one very much appreciate Moshiak’s finding it and putting it on a blog for me. I appreciate Jewlicious doing their part providing a free forum here for discussion and credits for this most important epitaphany. Who knows now what impact it will have on civilization, but no doubt it will huge and ‘propagate’ throughout the world.
Thank you Mosiak for solving this most time consuming problem. Now like you, we all have more time trying to get laid.
I don’t know, he has some good shtick, he is able to draw a crowd. Hey Moshiak i have some real ideas for ya, start teaching Torah and all, I’ll sing Reb Shlomo style, that kind of stuff.
Sorry mack but your time is up. In the beginning, our relationship was fun. You claimed you were the Messiah, you had your very own Philosophy and even composed a Manifesto, you called your work a “Manifesto,” proposed to a bunch of girls…But know your arguments keep running in circles, and rather than answer a question or engage anyone in god forbid, an actual conversationyou keep doing PR for your Book/Philosophy/Manifesto/PDF of Crap.
How old are you? Where are you from? Do your parents know you’re the Messiah? How does your Mom feel about it? And for the record, for the final time, for what it counts, I did read your Philosophy. And I think you got many things to learn from the muffti.
Dina is not the shallowest girl that I have ever met.
Ian, my good woman, the Philosophy is the book. Are you referring to the introduction? The book is complete, and it’s for the reading.
Crack is bad for you.
Ok, so you give up on world domination for a few hundred years and some west-coast, upstart, smartaleck, know-nothing comes and takes your place like you never existed in the first place. A full manifesto but you cant even give me inspirational credit? Even the falsest of prophets know MLA formating. And you clearly were an english major because you can bullshit a massive paper without having any thesis to speak of. That takes a solid four years to master. So wheres my credit? As the pioneer of false messianism I am hurt and bothered that I cant get a single refference around here. Seriously!
Now I know… youre still small time Moshiak, but hey, every dog has his day. Even the small yippy dogs in the backseats of parked cars. Thats actually the kind of dog i envision you as. Still a dog. Still able to bite on that rare occasion, but the bite isnt that painful and the barking is so terribly annoying. But back to the point, like that other famous false-prophet who had some sort of manifesto, maybe you should try tackling the Russian market. they seem like they could use a good philosophy right now. You could grow your hair real long and wacky and convince people youre crazy and then they could believe you because the only philosophies that have taken off in the last 300 years or so have been dictated by loony but self-confident crazies who want me to live on their Ashram. I classify you as a NEW philosophy because despite your protests, your philosphy has no reference to Judaism… or philosphy to be honest. Just geometry. The new-age Ignatius Reilly. Throw in some quotes from Boethus about fortuna and her wheels of justice and the image is complete.
But hey, everyone knows bullshit is the new black so its sure to sell SOMEWHERE. although maybe jews were the wrong place to start. we have a nice religion already, and were rather content with it. using a derivative of a hebrew word as a title does not actually grant any particular powers and it CLEARLY dosent grant any particularly notable intelligence. Leave the major leagues to pros like me. We knew how to fool a people. man those were the days…
Shabtai Xvi
P.S. Leave ketchup out of this. She transcends all religions and philosophies as the entity of pure goodness.
Just so we’re clear, I didn’t read the book, I read the philosophy. I figured I should wait until the book was finished to actually read it. What about my “end of time as we know it” proposal?
I love my spouse, but if only I were sephardi and I could have Randi AND Doni… whait, marrying Randi might have made me sephardi…. NICE!
Fun? A totally wise person doesn’t have fun. Fun is the perverse joy that comes from escaping reality. A totally wise person does not seek to escape reality. http://www.moshiak.com
So I think we’ve come to a conclusion (again). Miryam’s awesome, Ian and Miryam have great husbands, Moshiak still emails me even though I’m the shallowest girl he’s met, and Aaron’s cool in my books. Oh, and while blogger’s down and I can’t comment on Halfrican, I see you’ve been added to the Jewlicious blogroll Ben–nice! 🙂
Ian, I appreciate that you ATTEMPTED to read my book, and I appreciate that you will attempt to read it again. I just want to make that clear.
Oh Ian, don’t be jealous. Your “husband is alot of fun too. Anyone would be lucky to spend time with a guy like him. And thanks for the compliments (I’m blushing).
Ian, you obviously haven’t read the book from beginning to end. Your comments prove it. You totally neglected the Manifesto, and you obviously do not understand the Philosophy.
As for Miryam, the “fantastic and hilarious guy” better be a Jew. Again, if he isn’t, then that’s another illustration of what is wrong with this world, and why it needs the Philosophy.
Ian, you’re jealous of Miryam or Doni?
So this has moved blogs has it? I think the one big question everyone has been neglecting is this: The concept of Moshiach, harped on about by Chabadniks everywhere, is a dual one. Moshiach is supposed to be a person, but also an era, I have read your Philosophy beginning to end with an open mind and got nothing out of it yet. I’m sure you will say I should read it again, and I will, but it’s been settling for a few days now and nothing has happened. Anyway, it says nothing about this beautiful time that should be unfolding soon. But I guess that means we’ll just have to wait awhile…OH OH OH, I have a request. I have a big final next monday. If I promise to read your book, or better yet, record it and listen to it on a continuous loop, will you start all the fun end of the world stuff before I have the test. I’d really appreciate it.
On another note, Miryam is marrying a fantastic and hilarious dude. I’m actually really jealous she’ll get to spend the rest of her life with him, it ought to be a lot of fun. And I agree with everyone who said she and Dina are beautiful. They give a good name to o-girls everywhere.
I understand you, Miryam. I thought as much. I hope “Doni” is a Jewish guy. And if he isn’t, then may that be another example of what is wrong with the world, and why it needs the Philosophy.
…and in case you’re reading this, I love you Doni. And marrying you really isn’t “settling”: It’s an escape route from shiduch dating.I’m sure you understand, after the incidents with fishboy and all;)
I can assure you that you didn’t meet the Messiah on Frumsters, cutsey pie. The guy that you met did not discover the meaning of life, and he did not discover the nature of ethics. Why should I need luck to find a woman? Oh yeah, that’s right. The women are confused. The women are offended by intelligence and wisdom. The women would prefer men of mediocrity over men of excellence. The women are confused, and they need to learn the Philosophy. If women were to learn the Philosophy, they would actually value excellent men, believe it or not. The guy that you met on Frumsters may have been arrogant – thinking that he is smarter and wiser than he really is – but I am not such a man. I don’t overestimate my intelligence and wisdom to inspire me in philosophy. I don’t get my philosophy from pretense. I get it from the book, which you can read at http://www.moshiak.com. You Jewish women need to learn the Philosophy just as much as the men because I’m sick and tired of being rejected for the the crime of virtue.
awwww, thanks Ben.
I met a guy just like that on FRUMSTERS… only a few short months ago…. needless to say..I did not dissapoint him. He got the ULTIMATE REJECTION that he so obviously longed for..
Better luck next time.. sucker…
Miriam, I Think everyone knows you can easily come to the conclusion that there is nothing mediocre about you!
I understand you, Miryam. However, I disagree with you on the issue of your intelligence. An intelligent woman is not of “average” intelligence. And in case there was confusion, I said you seemed to be in your forties because your comments were mature. I thought you were a grown woman, not a young adult who is the same age as Dina. I could say more about your comments, but I’ll just leave it at that.
As for the latest comment by “Encino Yeled” aka Aaron, let it be known that the man hasn’t even read my book, and if he has he needs to read it again…this time with the intention of understanding it. The man hates me and he would love to misreprent me and my book.
Hey Moshiach with a K,
Stop hating on Rugelach. She is awesome, enough said.
And now, my articles:
1) Moshiak is a fraud.
2) Moshiak must be a fraud
3) Something must exist for Moshiak to be a fraud
4) Something must be a some sort of complex.
5) That complex results from your proclivity for self-aggrandizement and pretentiousness, with a tendency to attack others who criticize your pretentious behavior, misconstrued and confusing as fuck ideas, and lashing out at me, my (blogger) friends, the Jewlicious posters and anyone else who comes in the way of your Messianic path.
Hello Grace. I am devolving my scepter to Miryam. Go Miryam. Go Grace, too.
I’m not picky. I just settled for the first guy who proposed because I knew that with my mature age, average intelligence, average looks and average friends not many more guys would come along. So I settled. It happens to be he’s the love of my life, but if I had known I could have had the one and only moshiak, I just may have held out a little longer.
so when is the wedding? I will take care of the waitress staff. The floor will be spotless and everything will hum w/ Jobberlicious efficiency.
Break glass?
I wish Jewish women were even pickier.
Why are Jewish women so picky? They sit around and whine about how they can’t get a man, and then when one comes along, they say no! Where’s Jewish Mother when we need her?
Wait a minute. I thought Miryam in her forties because she sounds so mature…Now only if she weren’t taken.
As for you Dina, I’m sorry that I said that you made a royal ass of yourself. That wasn’t the best use of words. The best use of words is that you should never have criticized my book in the first place, and that you did was a mistake rivaled only by your most recent false accusations, of which you are well aware.
its okay dinas also already taken by a mesiach *cough* of her very own :)…
Wait, why do I care that you said that? You’re delusional.
i second.
Aside from the fact that Mir and I are the same age, Moshiak, she is stunningly attractive. That is all I have to say.
Miryam, you are an intelligent woman. But you are not a genius. Seriously. I’m always honest, and there you have it. If you weren’t already taken, if you were my age, and if you were attractive, you would be sexy as a consequence of your intelligence.
Muffti, I would be glad to answer your questions personally.
Finally, I also think Dina is beautiful. She also has beautiful friends. But she’s not for me. She’s pretty smart – for a second there I thought she would read my book – but she’s not for me.
Aviad, meet Moshiak. Moshiak? Aviad.
Shake Hands.
Now there’s a match made in heaven.
Wow a dopier site than Jewlicious, lol. Yeah awesome girl that.
Muffti did see that on the page, but he ignored it. Actually, he thought that it was more of a suggestion than an imperative. But if you are adamant, Muffti appologizes.
i second that
dina is one of the most beautiful people i know.
you are engaged. Moshiak is only preaching to the easily convertable and the single scene.
I’m curious. Where exactly do I rank, all knowing one, in the list of kind-of-smartish-yet-still-mediocre people who post on Dina’s blog? I need some more things to fill up some college applications and this just might help.
Thanks for the credit on the picture.. hmph
moshiak is so nice he says things twice! that or i am an idiot and cannot figure out blogs.
you jews,
does anyone want to marry the moshiak? i have a lot to offer a woman! first, i have a hit website. Second, ummmmmmmmmm, i have a wang. Come and get it ladies. This free lunch only last for a limited time — although i made up a different calendar that is different from the roman and jewish one… hey, i am a busy man and need to run on moshiak time.
“Grandmuffti,” if you have questions about the Philosophy, you are supposed to email me. Didn’t you read the front page of the website.
Miryam is a genius? God help the English language.
Dina, I think you and ketchup freak would make a good couple. Seriously. Ketchup freak is a pretty smart guy. In fact, he was the second-smartst guy who posted on your website. (And no, the first smartest guy was not Miryam.)
i am sorry to everyone. I just had a brain tumor removed and i am back to normal. Man, what the hell was i thinking. Dina, i still want to marry you though? how ’bout it? with your looks and brains and my… ummm…. ummm, Y chormosome, we can have many babies.
btw, how did this post describe dina without mentioning her obsession with babies?!?
insanely yours,
i am sorry to everyone. I just had a brain tumor removed and i am back to normal. Man, what the hell was i thinking. Dina, i still want to marry you though? how ’bout it? with your looks and brains and my… ummm…. ummm, Y chormosome, we can have many babies.
btw, how did this post describe dina without mentioning her obsession with babies?!?
insanely yours,
i think i am regreting posting my number. First, he totally didn’t call… MEN! Second, now it is linked to yet another blog.
if i convert, will avital marry me?
Ok, Muffti read some of the other words and they didn’t illuminate the 5 axoims very much. In particular, there is some massive equivocation going on: the universe is a thing (or collection of things) while existence seems to be a property so Muffti can’t see how it isn’t mere conceptual confusion to identify. So in particular, Muffti doesn’t understnad what it is to say that existence exists, other than that existence is self-instantiating. But if that is true, why is there a requirement that some other independant entity exist in order that existence exists? Furthermore, Why there should have to be locations, thought of as points, is a mystery…there are lots of pointless topologies all of which seem perfectly possible (and which there is some rather highly theoretical arguments to think might be true.)
Moshiak, Miryam is a genius. Unfortunately for you, she’s taken. But still, I think you should listen to her–her wisdom applies to all.
And I am, in fact, looking for a ketchup freak. 🙂
the part where it’s not in Hebrew
Okay, you’re not mediocre. You’re excellent. Excellence is upon thee. And there you go with the good old “he’s just trying to make money” argument. And here I go again with “WHAT PART OF THE PHILOSOPHY IS FOR FREE DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND”? With a mind as excellent as yours, I am sure that you can answer that question. So tell me, Miryam: what part of “the Philosophy is for free” don’t you understand?
Another talent of moshiaks is his matchmaking ability. He’s been stalking jewfood for barely a week and he already knows that: “What a girl like Dina needs is a ketchup freak or a Jewish boy who was dropped as a baby.” I think those talents should be put to good use. since we all know now that moshiak will never leave, I suggest we all leave a little jdate-type “all about me” and “what I’m looking for in a girl/guy” at the end of every comment and while Moshiak defends himslef against us mediocre Jews, he can create a whole matchmaking network for jews of mediocrity. for every successful shidduch we can buy one of his books or somehtign along those lines. now that’s thinking positively!
That was funny. I must admit that was very funny. Now go to http://www.moshiak.com and learn the meaning of your life.
Okay. I just realized that this whole Moshiak thing is a huge joke, because I have never seen a real, live, breathing person outside of a mental institution say anything positive about JDate.
Kol ha-kavod.
First I would like to say that you can’t understand those axioms unless you read (and understand) the words around them. Second, I would like to say that Brownseville Girl is one of the shallowest Jewish girl that I have ever encountered in my life. As stated in the blog, I wouldn’t be caught dead with a girl as shallow as Dina. I’m more of a JDate kind of guy, where Jewish women of greater intelligence and wisdom can be found. Third, thanks for the publicity, because at this point that’s all that I care about. As stated in Dina’s blog, there is nothing that you can say to a mediocre mind to get them to believe that you are the Moshiach. The mediocre mind waits for society to say that my book is okay before they give it the serious attention that it deserves. Dina and her friends are mediocre, which is not to mention the people behind Jewlicious, so there is nothing that I can say to encourage you to read my book properly. You merely skimmed it, and skimming is not the same as reading … especially if you’re stupid. Oh, and Dina didn’t “pick on me,” she just made a royal ass of herself. What a girl like Dina needs is a ketchup freak or a Jewish boy who was dropped as a baby: not someone who deserves to be called “Moshiach.”
It was amusing that you didn’t see why it had to be changed. 🙂
Yeah, she requested that I change it to the current one. For an amusing reason which will remain unstated.
He forgot Article VI) Soup.
Makes me glad I didn’t respond to Moshiak’s email from a few weeks ago. Or this post could have been about me. Yes, Brownsville Girl, thank you…keep on holding out for Mr. Right, not Mr. Right for Ushering in a Messianic Era.
I know Jewschool and Jewlicious aren’t supposed to be competing, but I have to say it’s interesting that just days after Jewschool went head-to-head with Messianists, Jewlicious decides to pick on…the Messiah.
I also can’t help saying: Brownsvillegirl is beautiful. The first picture that was up (before it was replaced), was even more becoming.
Muffti is scratching his head. There seems to be some confusion between properties and objects that instantiate properties. Beyond that, Muffti advises quitting reading this bullshit drivel immeadiately.