Coretta Scott KingFrom the JTA:

Coretta Scott King understood that a people who fight for their own rights are only as honorable as when they fight for the rights of all people. In this spirit, she championed the legacy of her late husband, .the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in strengthening black-Jewish relations, in fighting for the civil rights of Jews and in supporting the issues and concerns of the Jewish community with the State of Israel in particular. Coretta Scott King recognized that in the civil rights struggle, no segment of American society had provided as much and as consistent support to her husband and to blacks as did the Jewish community… The Jewish community mourns the passing of this noble woman of valor and dignity who devoted her life to her husband’s dream of human rights and human freedom and was instrumental in revitalizing black-Jewish relations at a critical juncture. May her memory encourage people of all faiths and ethnicities to continue the struggle for justice and equality.

Rest In Peace

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Wow u Jews seem to have some obsession with blacks why?in the bible you’re always chasing the blacks always trying to be with them the lord will return with revelations about the black race and they will be segregated in the millineum kingdom of christ

  • Well said CK and JM. These ‘Kings’ will live on in our hearts and history for a very very long time. There is spiritual life after death.

  • That was a time when dignity was precious. Her lady-like bearing, well shown in the photo above, had a fiery meaning then, that it may be hard to understand now.

    It went way beyond a pretty woman looking contained and civil. Way, way beyond. Look at the intensity of that magnificent face.

    She was perfect for her role. Perfection will always inspire awe.

    That was my time, you know.

    The light in that face will never go out.

  • She was such a lady.

    Somehow that meant everything, and was potent, and was enough.

  • “Rest In Peace”

    For dearly departed Jews, we wish, ‘may their memory be blessed’ and ‘baruch dayan emet’. The ‘rest in peace’ is usually what the goyim wish their deceased, I wonder what Jews traditionally bless goyim who’ve died, or if the ‘rest in peace’ is a justice to their souls.

    As for the Kings, it is certainly sad to see the previous generation go. A generation of ‘leaders’ is leaving us and either they have not bequeathed ‘leadership’ to their children (us) or that the conditions for which ‘leadership’ was nurtured in the past simply don’t exist anymore.