Check out this image taken from a Jewlicious post written in July 2004 about (erroneous) reports of terrorist ringleader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s capture:

buh bye

And now compare that to the cover on the latest issue of Time Magazine:

now for sure dead

Remarkable, huh? I’m sure this has nothing to do with the recent flurry of Time Inc. IP addresses that hit Jewlicious last week.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Didn’t they also use that cover for Saddam back in ’03? I remember some people were complaining about the Hitler reference back then…

  • Thanks for the great laughs at those links Shy and CK. 🙂

  • Chaim: Actually no. You might notice that what they did was digitally recreate the photo of Zarqawi. The original black and white photo is now in color and alot of detail has been added to Zarqawi’s kicky crocheted cap. That’s a lot of work there. I know because I know lazy (witness the relative simplicity of my graphic) and that cover was deceptively not simple. Also my X was made with a simple spray paint tool whereas there X evokes blood. But still. I insist my graphic inspired their’s.

  • I don’t mean to be a glass is half empty kind of guy, but, no offense to your obvious artistic abilities ;-), isnt this a “lazy” cover by Time? Couldnt they have come up with something more ….well, more than a picture of a dead man with a red ex. This isn’t family fued ya know.

  • It’s an old picture of Zarqawi. He’s much thinner in this photo than he was in his last video where we were treated to images of a paunchy “terrorist mastermind” who couldn’t fire a machine gun and whose evil terrorist cohorts didn’t know not to touch the hot barrel of a recently fired weapon. But no worries – now that he’s dead he’s only going to get thinner, and thinner, and thinner …

  • No. Zarqawi’s nose is thinner on Time’s covering, causing an optical illusion. 😉