Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E’s will make you laugh with his Matzah Anthem.
Many have enjoyed the ACN’s Matzah Man spoof of Macho Man, though I thought they missed a great opportunity.
Lover’s of Jimmy Buffet will enjoy Manischewitzville – though the video could use some help from our friend William “Shabot 6000” Levin.
New rapper D. Dog Dorf and his Matzah Ball Rap.
or a 45 minute Passover class:
Mystical Passover
A class delivered at Chapman University starting with Passover basics, continuing into mystical elements of the four cups and ending with a classic Reb Shlomo Story, after the bump.
Chag Kasher v Sameach – A Kusher un a Freiliche Pesach – Have a Happy and Kosher Passover!
Hey there! I’m a goy whose a fan of pesach. I have IBS so I have to eat gluten free. Jews can’t have chometz for 8 days, but I can’t have it all year. And I can’t even have matzo! So at passover there’s lots of good gluten free baked goods in the supermarket. 🙂
So, I googled “passover 2007” for the exact start/end dates and found your blog entry. Funny stuff.