Leah Kaufman, the voice and words behind the Obama Girl video is now front and center in all her Semitic finery on her latest video clip Perfected: The Ann Coulter Song. It’s a back handed tribute to Ann Coulter whose only sin was that she wants the Jews to be perfected. Well that and she’s a totally heinous bitch. Enjoy the vid. Leah Kaufman rules.
Hat tip: JewTube.com
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Its the second time.
Its the second time.
fixed it for all browsers. sorry.
fixed it for all browsers. Video will not NOT autoplay
Have pity ck, i agree with muffti..it’s getting to be too much and I had to turn off my speakers which is a pain..can we please stop the madnessssssssss……
pssst… muffti… use firefox
Every time Muffti goes to jewlicious this stoopeeed video comes on automatically. Muffti is on the verge of strangling Ms. Kaufman!
Doesn’t bother me a bit Pilegesh…good help is hard to find.
Someone has to control those banks and the media and provide jobs for poor women. What’s wrong with that?
No Shy Guy, we would just control our enemies banks and media and use their women folk to do our Pesach cleaning.
We would boil them in chicken soup.
Which isn’t such a bad way to go.
Uh, no. I didn’t put in the “rather than vice versa,” you did. That isn’t what I said or meant at all.
That isn’t said or implied in what I wrote.
There are many differences between Christianity and Judaism and the way they view each other. This would affect any outcome between the two religions if the tables were turned and the Jews had numerical superiority over past centuries.
I don’t find Coulter to be a “totally heinous bitch”, I would apply that characterization more to Hillary.
Bubba, you are correct, I misspoke, to be absolutely clear about what Neve Yerusalayim is, let me restate that it is not a Seminary but rather “a kiruv institution for in the business of raising funds from parents of secular or non-Orthodox girls by brain-washing their daughters into believing they should give up their careers and female rights in favor of creating multiple grandchildren for the betterment of the Jewish people”.
I’m sure Coulter at least thinks the Orthos can use some extreme fashion makeovers.
Why is it ok for everyone in Plifton to sit around the shabbat table criticizing the GOYIM for fun, and the minute one shiksa says something critical of the Jews on national television she is a “hateful, petty whore”?
bubba, the point is not what groups Coulter considers in need of perfecting but that (s)he possesses the audaciousness to claim that anybody needs to be perfected [which in turn comes across as the suggestion that (s)he was perfect (which, as explained above, clashes with Jewish theology; it clashes just as much with Christian theology)]. I’d consider that claim just as upsetting if it had referred to pygmies.
Coulter says that Orthos don’t need perfection.Perhaps Kaufman should discover her own roots first.
I doubt she’d be interested.
“Seminary in Israel ”
what a goyishe term. I do hope you meant Yeshiva
I’m partial to Sarah’s perspective, as well as the examples she chooses to cite. “Perfecting” is not the point. “Bettering”, sure. The appeals to genetics make sense. And are timely too, as a recent wave of interest in how the field applies to ethnicity and human population genetics demonstrates. Even a proposed biological “advantage” often comes at the cost of simultaneously being a “disadvantage” in other respects. The environment and timing in which the gene is expressed provide so much more context than most people are aware even exists in the field. It’s nowhere near as black and white as our manichean minds want it to be, and succeeded in making it during the age of eugenics. The context of why a gene evolved is everything, and we know so much less of that than we do of a simple gene sequence and its limited series of proposed functions. For a simple lay example, cancer cells love to overexpress embryonic genes that would have long since been suppressed during the healthy development of an individual – and not that they aren’t absolutely vital during other areas of the life cycle.
Then again, the Torah tells stories of how mankind failed terribly when seeking perfection (as in trying to be omniscient or reaching to heights that could / should not be reached); while exegesis categorizes both narratives as expository legends, which became part of common folklore thanks to their powerful imagery that explains matters that seemed inexplicable given the average knowledge at that time, they in addition point out rather sharply what alleged or attempted perfection can often lead to: failure and destruction. The beauty of humans lies in their ability to err; the ‘errors’ in our genetic code make us individuals and set us apart as opposed to a unitary standard. Also, while we should strive to be good, we should not forgo those that cannot achieve higher than they do (note: there’s a political party in the Netherlands that has been trying for years to make abortion mandatory if pre-natal diagnostics show that the child _might_ be handicapped) – that’s what the Nazis did in their Euthanasia programme.
Ann Coulter is hot and NYC during the last Republican Convention was even hotter…I spent it at the Ritz Carlton.
And now for a short vort: I learned in Seminary in Israel that one of the goals of Judaism is to perfect one’s self as in “Let US make man”…that man and God should partner in perfecting mankind.
I also learned at the bris of my son (which my ex dumped me 5 months after) that the act of bris milah is man taking part in the act of perfecting himself. After all, the Mohel asked the attendees…isn’t this baby as perfect and pure as possible? (as his Mom I can tell you was GORGEOUS), but even so, we as Jews perfect ourselves even more by making our mark on this perfect baby, and in doing so we can be partners with God.
Alot of people can use a lot of perfecting…Jewish or not.
So be nice to your friendly local Republican’s in 2008, I bet ‘ya NYC will be nice and clean for the Convention.
It’s not about believing what you want to believe, it’s about maintaining or emphasizing a sense of spiritual superiority to it – which is damaging even if the legal or political environment happens to mitigate the potential for physical harm to result from that damage. And the person who mentioned disproportionate numbers or power – the ones that facilitated Christian persecution of Jews rather than vice versa – also is implicitly admitting that when this attitude is reciprocated by Jews the potential for persecuting them in the same way they did us would have been just as real if only our numbers or power were greater. Which is not a pleasant thing to acknowledge. And what about what Isaiah had to say about how all this would end up anyway?
I don’t see why differing theological perspectives need to be intrinsically linked to a sense of superiority or inferiority, even if just in a spiritual sense – and I can’t see why many others can’t acknowledge how problematic it is to deny that such is the real problem in the first place. At least in 2007.
Eric, but you wouldn’t pick up a person wearing a hockey mask and carrying a chainsaw as a hitchhiker, would you?
Christians that know their theology understand and accept that without Judaism, Christianity would be unthinkable; afterall it more or less started off as a charismatic (theologicially speaking) splinter-group within Judaism (Chasidism today is the only charismatic group within Judaism). Also, they will know that Jesus had stated, according to Christians’ holy scriptures, that anybody shall be condemned who differs from the law (i.e. the Torah) by one iod. Then again, my particular Halloween entertainment was witnessing a visit from Jehova’s Witnesses at my parents’…
We have never ever needed a third party to cause disagreements amongst Jews. We’re well known for our many views and opinions, maybe anti-semites portray us as a united block, but look just in this blog or over at israelforum.com and you will see that most Jews can’t agree on anything. I’m not worried about third party antagonists causing more disagreement when we can’t even agree on what a Jew is to begin with.
Furthermore, if a Jew is ready to leave the faith, let them, they were most likely weak to begin with and didn’t do much to further Judaism or our community. In my own JCC in the Detroit area, we have Jews for Jesus on the payroll. One actually tried to talk to me about his faith. I told him to shove it. It’s what I tell all Christians. Have we not learned from an early age to be skeptical and to watch out for those kinds of people? I’m sure when an Orthodox Jew hears Jesus’s name dropped, they run for the hills.
I’m not worried about the Jews of Jerusalem (they have bigger problems with Olmert trying to give parts of it away) when it comes to being converted. Furthermore, I’m not worried that we have staunch allies amongst Christians that funnel money into Israel all the while thinking we’re all going to hell. We’re not. Let them believe what they believe, and I’ll believe what I believe: That religion is silly, but my culture, that happens to be based on one, is the greatest culture to ever grace this planet. Will that piss off many Christians? I’m sure it will. Will they bitch and moan about it? Doubt it.
Like I said, let’s try and not piss off everyone else in the world that isn’t already staunchly anti-Israel. Were it not for the Evangelical Bible Thumpers in this country, a large majority of secular progressive Americans would be ready to throw Israel to the wolves. Well, except for Guiliani of course.
Eric, I was only waiting for somebody to reason that, but I haven’t mentioned the punchline yet: they’ve got “Biblical seminaries” (one’s located in Brooklyn) in which they train their preachers. I once talked to one of them; his plan was to try to contact Israelis to help him with moving to Israel (he’d sorted out some cheesy story of having re-discovered his Jewish roots and trying to be Orthodox) and “preach Jesus to the Jews of Jerusalem”. I’d just have considered him ridiculous if the neO-dox Israelis he was in touch with at that time hadn’t been all crazy for him and more than ready to believe him. When I pointed his motivations out to them, they accused me of anti-Semitism. A rabbi friend of mine ho also spoke to that guy stated that that guy at the very least managed to do one thing: he got Jews into disagreements, and history has shown that Judaism was weakest when it faced ‘domestic’ struggles.
“As for her “support†of Israel, I read some newspaper article a while ago that US Evangelicals, while being theologically anti-Judaistic to say the very least, support Israel as according to their beliefs, that’ll increase the chances of Jesus returning to earth as the Messiah.”
Yes. Take advantage of it. It’s a gift to us.
If you had a friend that wanted to loan you something of value, but put the condition on it such as “when pigs fly”, you’d have to give that loan back, including everything you own, you would be so worried about pigs flying that you wouldn’t take him up on the offer?
Honestly, if pigs fly, or in this case, Jesus actually comes back, this agnostic cultural Jew would convert in a second. Why not? Everything else I believe would already be turned on its head and wrong.
The thing is, it ain’t never gonna happen. I’m taking the loan, and smiling all the way to the bank. This isn’t any different than what I tell me Christian friends and family. My condescension will never trump their beliefs, just like this goofy video.
Furthermore, who IS that Obama Girl (not Leah, but the really sexy one)? Even though she is backing a loser, I thought to myself, if there were Jewish girls like this around when I was dating…. 🙂
I have literally seen Christianity work. I have really seen it enoble people. I have seen Judaism do that, too. I have also seen Jewishness do that too, with no religious practice.
They are different singularities. I can handle that. Nervously. It helps to like quantum physics. Everybody should know a little quantum physics and some anthropology.
A religion enobles people, and a superstition debases people. That’s how you tell the difference between a religion and a superstition.
I agree with Post 12 too.
In case anybody cares, I agree with Post 4. But I didn’t watch the video.
I wish Christians could understand that our relationship to their story is unique and different from anybody else’s. With that in place I have no problem at all with Christianity and I think it is true, except for us. What’s so hard about that? Their saviour wasn’t lying, he just wasn’t talking to me.
This everybody is the same stuff is wrong. But there is one truth. Yes, it’s complicated and difficult. So what. So am I.
I agree with Muffti that ignoring her (?; sorry, but the adam’s apple, voice, hands and the over-the-top use of supposedly female gestures do make me wonder about Coulter’s actual gender) is probably the most effective approach in silencing her as she seems they type that’ll use any platform she gets. I’ll admit though that it’s hard to ignore her as she certainly inspires a few good jokes. As for her “support” of Israel, I read some newspaper article a while ago that US Evangelicals, while being theologically anti-Judaistic to say the very least, support Israel as according to their beliefs, that’ll increase the chances of Jesus returning to earth as the Messiah.
I actually agree with many things Ann Coulter says. She’s a passionate defender of Israel and rails constantly against Islamic terrorism. I’ll admit she’s a White Christian bigot in some ways but I don’t care. Ironically I heard Ann was dating a New York liberal Jew. Does anyone know who he is?
Ann was taught that her culture and religion are superior to to others and a lot of Jews agree with her. There’s a lot of self-hatred in our small little tribe which offends me more than what some insignificant Reublican bitch has to say.
Despite this I do love Leah Kaufman’s voice and video. She’s awesome. I do hope that next time, though, Leah does a video on anti-semite Jimmy “Hamas loving” Carter. I do want to learn how to hate like Jimmy Carter because he can show me how to hate Israel and all Jews too!
I like the video, too. If you invite Leah Kaufman to JTB4, I might actually attend.
Shy Guy, since you agree with me 100%, I’m worried that I was wrong.
I just thought the video was cute and am glad that they didn’t use some big boobie hoochie mama…
TM – that’s an overreaction? Coulter was being honest and as a publicity whore deserves any kind of satire – good or bad – anyone wishes to dish up.
Yeah, GM – let’s ignore Coulter. You and me. And who else?
Ever hear the joke? A guy’s threesome fantasy is finally about to fulfilled. He shows up… and lying in bed are Ann Coulter and Nancy Grace.
His response? “I’m going to need a refill on my Viagra.”
Are you nuts?! She’s got Halle Berry’s nose.
And now for something completely different:
I agree with TM 100%. That calls for a kiddush.
It’s not that Coulter is extreme. It’s that she’s extremely provocative.
Forget Ann Coulter – isn’t Leah Kaufman cute!!!! OMG – let’s invite her to JTB4!!!
Totally lame. Muffti can only say it so many times: ignore her! Few diseases go away if you pay no attention to them. Ann Coulter is one that actually does.
If Jesus had just a glimpse of the future violence, hate and discontent his otherwise apparent passive resistance existence was going to cause for humanity, I believe he would have chosen suicide rather than martyrdom on a cross.
….imagine no religion.
I like the video and disagree with its message. It’s an over-reaction.
Christians who think Jews are imperfect from a spiritual standpoint are fairly common. They believe in X and we believe in Y. They think they are right just as many Jews believe we are right.
Historically, the difference has been that Christians have been more numerous and powerful, and we have been much smaller in size and far less powerful. As a result, there have been centuries and decades where life has been fairly hard for Jews in Christian lands. There have also been better times.
As long as Christians don’t try to actively convert me or other Jews, or try to harm me or discriminate against me for my beliefs, why should I care that they believe that I am wrong and I would be a better person if I believed what they believe? I don’t think the same about them, but some faithful Christians are going to believe this about Jews. There are many Jews who believe the same about other Jews and would like to make those Jews “more perfect.” Isn’t that what Aish is about?
Coulter was being honest.
Before our David Smith jumps down my throat, I will state that Coulter is not somebody I listen to or respect.
I find this video more offensive than Ann’s due to its lame content. And isn’t this story old news? What have we become? A bunch of Al Sharptons?
There’s a difference between telling a person that you think they believe in a false messiah, and telling a person that they need to be fixed.
I think you’re in the clear on this one. 🙂
Lame. I suppose Christians get offended when I tell them that I think Jesus is a false messiah, and that I don’t believe he is the son of g-d. Yet, for some reason, my panties get all in a bunch when they tell us what they believe. Hmm, perhaps we should limit all our kvelling for real threats if we don’t want to appear like a bunch of hyper-sensitive whiners. I’m sure this won’t resonate real far since some here don’t think MediaMatters is a dirty organization.