coffee-bean-and-tea-leaf-9070.jpgThe Coffee Bean is a family run business from LA. Since 1963 they have been passionate about serving customers the best coffees and teas from around the world. And they are Kosher. All Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf cafe’s serve coffee, tea, baked goods, and other tasty stuff that is under rabbinical supervision. Even their delicious blended drinks have kosher certification. All our participants at the Festival will enjoy delicious coffee and tea and other delights courtesy of our generous Coffee and Tea Sponsors. If you see a Coffee Bean in your neck of the woods, stop by and say “Thanks for supporting Jewlicious Festival!”

About the author

Rabbi Yonah


  • Rabbi: As always, a good rule to follow is that if it is certified, it’ll have the certification prominently displayed. Always check for the hechsher!

  • I was informed that outside of LA not all baked good products may be certified

  • I read this post & I think all Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf cafe’s serve coffee, tea, baked goods, and other tasty stuff that is under rabbinical supervision.

  • I live in Northern California and we don’t have (many) of these, but whenever we visit Socal, I make a point of doing business there in recognition of their commitment to kashruth.

    Nice shop.