How does this translate in terms of political candidates?

The founders of Ben & Jerry’s endorsed Barack Obama on Monday, and lent his Vermont campaign two “ObamaMobiles” that will tour the state and give away scoops of “Cherries for Change” ice cream.

“If there was ever a need for real change, and if there ever was a candidate to inspire us and make that happen, it’s now,” said Ben Cohen.

Added Jerry Greenfield: “Barack is showing that when you lead with your values and follow what you have inside that good things will happen.”

Echoing Obama, Greenfield said he and Cohen succeeded when they opened their ice cream shop 30 years ago in Burlington by doing things differently, instead of copying the “tired ways” of doing business.

[Full article]

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  • Finally, comments that I can agree with.

    Alex, right on the money.

  • Besides the Global Poverty Act and the Patriot Corporations legislation he is pushing through now (all based on socialism) and his voting record that has been ranked the most liberal in the Senate, I haven’t heard a single concrete policy he has in his platform or within his faint and orgasm inducing speeches except for these two intangible promises: “hope” and “change”. What the hell does that mean? Are people that mesmerized with his words that they aren’t concerned with what they actually mean in the real world? Do these people really believe in the asinine theory of the “greater good”? Please tell me people can’t really be that easily mislead by a pied piper…

  • Yuch, perhaps one of the most disgusting things on the planet are aging hippy jews. What may even be worse are when the ultikackers won’t shut up.

  • Obama’s catnip for certain liberals (including Jews) who tear up at their halcyon memories of the late sixties. He’s got that nimbus of charismatic, Kennedy-style leadership (think Bobby at his most feckless), and no amount of policy analysis will chase that away. Obama could propose negotiations with Hamas, call for rapprochement with Iran, and demand immediate dismantling of settlement ‘outposts’ on pain of loss of aid, and it wouldn’t affect his standing in the American Jewish community one whit. That community will vote in lockstep for Obama this fall. Little in US politics is as predictable as this.

    But, to look on the bright side– if Obama’s in favor of free ‘scream distribution, he’ll have at last taken a public position on an issue, one we can all wholeheartedly support, esp. if it’s funded with deep cuts in defense.

  • Like most perpetually liberal American Jews, they announce their endorsement and work back from there, rationalizing their choice based on the pros of the candidate while willfully neglecting the cons.

    It’s not like Ben and Jerry even for a second considered voting anything but democrat and since they spend so much of their time propagandizing on behalf of fringe leftists movements in this country, I can’t say this was a shock. News would be that they weren’t going to make Ice Cream political this year.

    I guess I’m the Mere Rhetoric kind of Jew in that I see that out of the three weak candidates in this years presidential race, Obama has got to be the worst choice for Jews and Israel, Americans, capitalists, producers, libertarians, etc.


    “Shmuel Rosner did his best yesterday to defend Obama’s foreign policy advisers, producing something that’s rare for him – a post that we not only disagree with, but one that’s also weak and badly argued. He suggested that Bob Malley may not be a total disaster because even though he blames Israel for Camp David II and advocates dialogue with Hamas. Two arguments: first, Obama presumably has other advisers on Israel – except we apparently don’t know who they are because they’re never named. And second, Obama doesn’t always sound like Malley – though when he does. And then there’s Obama’s big name foreign policy guru, the the man who lost Iran to radical Islam:


    It seems like he really, really just kind of hates Israel. Democratic Jews should keep supporting Obama. This is going to work out great.”

    Then again, who’s to say Ben and Jerry really care about Jews, Israel, or even most Americans, after all, all they are is ice cream makers with a knack for idealist liberal politics.