TMZ recently reported about this season’s must have accessory amongst the Hollywood Glitteratti – a security team made up of former members of the Israel Defense Forces. The video ironically notes how a people known more for their acumen as lawyers, accountants and Hollywood execs, jobs not usually associated with physical prowess, are now moving into a field dominated by tough guys. The report features an appearance by Woody Allen playing the old-skool whimpy Jew, and Aaron Cohen of IMS Security as the strapping former Israeli warrior who protects the likes of Paris Hilton and serving subpoenas on behalf of Britney Spears’ ex himbo, Kevin Federline.

OK. It must have been a slow news day over at TMZ, and the story is kind of blah, but what is really remarkable about this vid are the hateful comments it has inspired. Apparently people think the term “Jews” is racist and/or derogatory. As a guy who runs a Web site called Jewlicious, I can’t help but find that funny. I mean, racist? Judaism is not a race! And I am in fact a Jew – what’s so derogatory about that? What was the story supposed to be called? Send in the People of the Mosaic Persuasion? Sheesh… relax people!

Oh and the Aaron Cohen featured in this story should not be confused with Aaron Cohen, the award-winning (he has a girlfriend too!), badass anti-slavery activist and former Jewlicious Festival presenter.

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Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • Has anyone shopped at The Island Flavor Vape Ecigarette Shop in 11063 S Memorial Dr #E?

  • Wasn’t there a thing on Jewcy about the word “Jew”? People who avoid it have heard it used as a slur and so say Jewish people or whatever. And they think only Jews can use it, so people believe it’s like blacks and the “N” word.

  • Nothing racist about it. Homoerotic, sure, but not racist.