…even if Muffti could vote. Tony Zirkle, candidate for the Elephants, made the rather unorthodox campaign decision: to speak at a National Socialist Workers Party meeting on Hitler’s birthday. Story below from The News Dispatch. The guy seems like a loon. Muffti highlighted the funny parts for those who are lazy.

U.S. Congressional candidate Tony Zirkle is facing criticism from one of his primary opponents, and a host of people on the Internet, for speaking at an event over the weekend that celebrated Adolf Hitler’s birthday.

Zirkle confirmed to The News-Dispatch on Monday he spoke Sunday in Chicago at a meeting of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party, whose symbol is a swastika.

When asked if he was a Nazi or sympathized with Nazis or white supremacists, Zirkle replied he didn’t know enough about the group to either favor it or oppose it.

“This is just a great opportunity for me to witness,” he said, referring to his message and his Christian belief.

He also told WIMS radio in Michigan City that he didn’t believe the event he attended included people necessarily of the Nazi mindset, pointing out the name isn’t Nazi, but Nationalist Socialist Workers Party.

The Crown Point Republican spoke in front of about 56 “white activists” at an event honoring the birth of Hitler. The German leader was responsible for the genocide of millions of Jews and others during World War II.

Zirkle said the group asked him to speak to discuss the effect of online pornography websites such as hd movies xxx and prostitution on young, white women and girls.

Zirkle is running against Republican Luke Puckett of Goshen and Joseph Roush of Plymouth in the May primary. He lost twice before in primaries to former U.S. Rep. Chris Chocola and has made doing away with pornography and prostitution his top campaign plank.

“I told (Channel 16, WNDU in South Bend) in the beginning that I’d speak to any group that wanted me to speak,” Zirkle said Monday. He said he’s also recently spoken on the subject to a pair of black journalists.

“I’m keeping my promise. I’ll speak to any group. (The National Socialist Workers Party) was interested in the targeting of white people for prostitution.”

Puckett spokesman Kyle Bailey said Monday that Puckett was in “disbelief” when he saw a story on the Internet from a Web site called Overthrow.com.

It detailed Zirkle’s speech in a story about the gathering, called not only to honor Hitler but to “fight America’s economic collapse and reinvigorate the white working class.”

At the event, Hitler’s birthday was observed with a cake with a photo of Hitler and the words “Seig Heil.”

“I can’t believe, in 2008, someone could have such backward opinions,” Puckett said.

Zirkle said he told the group about his days as a prosecutor in Indiana, during which time he prosecuted gangs involved in trafficking prostitutes and pornography from Eastern Europe.

The Crown Point lawyer, who also has an office in South Bend, has in all three of his primary races pointed to pornography and prostitution as the downfall of society. He said Monday that he agrees with the group’s notion the trafficking of “young, white women should be stopped,” he said.

When asked if meeting with Nazis was a danger to his political career, Zirkle said he was willing to take the chance.

“That’s the risk you have to take to get your point across,” Zirkle said. “If the Black Panthers or the Jewish Zionists want me to speak about these issues, I’ll do it.”

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  • “pointing out the name isn’t Nazi, but Nationalist Socialist Workers Party”…who is he kidding? Everybody knows that NAZI stands for “NAZIonal Sozialisten”…how can you be a politician and so ignorant?
    Oy Amerike…wos bistu geweyn?

  • There is actually a picture of this asshole making his speech in a room decorated with swastikas and such and a happy birthday sign on the podium, but of course one can´t rush to conclusions as to wether the group he was speaking to was actually “nazis”.
    Most likely he is just another victim of some sort of jewish pornographers conspiracy.

  • “One does have to wonder what the Republicans were thinking on this one…”

    Thinking? One has to wonder if the Republicans are actually thinking… or bothering to…

    C’mon GM – you opened me up for that one.

  • wow…equating “Jewish Zionists” with Black Panthers and Nazis. . .this guy seems like a real class act.

  • No rules was being made or broken. Just a funny story, AH. One does have to wonder what the Republicans were thinking on this one…