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Yo! It’s that time of the year again. Time to start thinking about going on a free Birthright Israel Trip next winter. If you are between 18-26, Jewish and have never been on a peer-based trip to Israel before, start thinking about floating in the Dead Sea, visiting the Kotel in Jerusalem, sipping a cappuccino in Tel Aviv and hiking and touring the width and breadth of Israel. For free. Registration is going to begin in September but you can give yourself a leg up by pre-registering at Don’t think about it. Just do it. It doesn’t cost anything and signing up does not obligate you in any way. Now here’s the fun part. Ready?

Select “Jewlicious” as your referrer and you will be able to go on a co-branded Jewlicious trip. What does that mean? Well, you will get all the usual good stuff mandated by Taglit-Birthright Israel, all the remarkable creative programming and planning skills of the team at AND further enhancements introduced by the witty, knowledgeable and irreverent folks that you know and love here at Jewlicious.

How has that manifested itself in the past? Unplanned excursions to less frequented locales, special live music events by local indie acts, a variety of hip, interesting speakers, the ongoing commentary of people passionate about Israel, all kinds of awesome stuff and really, really good hummus. Seriously, it’s that good. So… yeah. Sign up now, select “Jewlicious” and by all means feel free to contact us with any questions you might have.

birthright israel
this trip is a gift from Taglit-Birthright Israel.

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About the author


Founder and Publisher of Jewlicious, David Abitbol lives in Jerusalem with his wife, newborn daughter and toddler son. Blogging as "ck" he's been blocked on twitter by the right and the left, so he's doing something right.


  • אנחנו ננצח עוד שחיתות Isodkm

    • Faysal:
      يرجى يمارسون الجنس مع الإبل

  • Karioka–check with local Jewish organizations such as Federation. I’ve been on a few trips to Israel (as an adult!) that have been highly subsidized and really interesting even though there was not a single Jewlicious staff member in sight.

    One of our graduates (Jolene Ilkay) from Beach Hillel (co-sponsor of the Jewlicious Festival) made aliyah yesterday. In the five years between Birthright and her flight last night, she made other trips to Israel to study and more (don’t really know all of the details) and she too found ways to get to do a lot without spending a lot.

  • When are there going to be trips like these for Jews who want to start strengthening their link to Israel a little later in life?